
Do people believe in the IQ test today and how much reliance can be put on it?

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How accurate is it?

I've seen "estimates" for famous people e.g. Einstein 160, Asimov also 160?

Has it been "discredited"?

What are Mensa like?




  1. well there is alot of hype these days about it all. im about to take a test now at

    whats your iq?

  2. IQ tests, like most standardized tests, are nonsense.

    The number a person receives does not matter - it is what a person DOES with his brain that counts.

    My hubby was tested several times during his childhood, and his scores were all over the map, depending on the type of test and the ability of the tester.  His scores ranged from 100 to 185.

    He earned a PhD in physics.  Who cares what his score was?

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