
Do people born at night tend to be?

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night owls more than people who were born in the daytime?




  1. Maybe. You never know.

  2. i dont think so, i was born right at 12am just about on the dot and while i do stay up late sometimes, not more then anyone else.

  3. Well, I was born at 2am & I prefer to sleep at night.

    I think it doesn't have anything to do with being born at night or day.

    Everyone is different.

  4. There's more to it than that.  Much depends on the entire birth chart.  I was born at 12:53 (afternoon) and I have always been a night owl.  Drove my mother crazy when I was a baby.  My parents went out and bought a rocking chair just so they could rock me to sleep at night.   My mother would sing to me. They had to be to work at 7 am.  I never fell asleep until at least 3 am. So they took turns losing sleep. It's much easier now.  When I was young, there was no late night stuff.  The world functioned 9 to 5.  Now, there's tv all hours of the night, stores are open, etc. But back then, everybody thought I was weird, and why couldn't I just "be normal?"  God, I got sick of hearing that!  I still hear it!!!  "What are you, a vampire?"  It's not normal to sleep away half the day.  Yada, yada.  Anyway, thanks for asking the question.  

  5. I think just the opposite !  I was born at 2pm in an afternoon, and here I am still up at 5am from the day before.  My little one was born at 6am, and she's a worse night owl than me.

  6. I think so. I was born at 3 am and have alwayspreferredd night shift!

  7. Haha i believe so. It's true for me at least. I was born at 2:30am and as far as I can remember i've always had trouble sleeping at night. I can still remember staying up wayy late when I was younger watching late night cartoons lol.

  8. No. The atmosphere and brightness in a hospital is exactly the same, night or day. The baby doesn't leave the hospital during the night, he/her stays with his/her mummy until she leaves (during the day). Doesn't make the slightest bit difference.

    Think if you go overseas on a trip, you may get jet lag from the different time-zones but after a day or two you're back in sync.

  9. i dont think so.

    i was born 12:03 am and an insomniac.

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