
Do people concerned about global warming drink carbonated beverages?

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Is it hypocritical to complain about other people's carbon footprint while dispensing and consuming beverages that regularly release CO2 as a "novelty" (since they really don't add one bit to the flavor)?

Should people concerned with global warming be demanding that all soda fountains serve FLAT soda, and demanding that manufacturers produce non-carbonated versions of all their popular drinks?

Do you think anyone concerned with global warming compares the carbon footprint of the sodas that they drink each year vs. the carbon footprint of an automobile, and see how they really stack up against each other?




  1. i think if people were going to be that picky we'd need to all of a sudden stop doing alot more stuff than that. what about all the trees we use? all the paper, all the furniture, pencils, houses, toothpicks.

    i don't think the problem will be solved by changing what car you drive, or what beverage you drink. we need to completely overhaul our consumption motivated lifestyles i think.

    i find it's the neatest trick that we are being convinced that we need to buy things in order to save the environment.

    it's like informercials that tell you to spend money to buy their product to save money.

    of course sometimes you do save money with a smart investment, and sometimes you do help the environment with a smart purchase, but in the end if it isn't an oversaturation of carbon, it will be something else.

    the earth is meant to be balanced in it's distribution of materials. the life here evolved to live in that balance, and we shift it no matter what we buy, because we use materials to make different materials and objects.

    to be able to consume safely as much as we do we would need to be completing the cycle of everything we produce at a fast enough pace, but we are not bothered with that, because that doesn't make profit.

  2. More carbonated beverages are consumed and reintroduced through flatulence to the environment than gas is burned so yes they are contributing.

    They can live their lives any way they want, just quit telling everyone else how to live.

    People create more co2 daily than all the fossil fuels that are burned.

  3. That is a good question, not about the  global warming but about having manufactures make flat soda.  I would love to be able to drink soda flat.  I hear the co2 in soda is very bad for the body, not that the rest of the drink is much better, but I would prefer to have a "healthier" version of coke by not having the co2 in it.  Would any of you buy the soda if it didn't have the co2 in it?  I would.

    Oh yeah, do people know there is phosphate in the soda?  This is very bad for the water, it creates too much algae, if you look it says phosphoric acid on the label.  I guess true environmentalists don't drink this stuff.

  4. Carbonated drinks are a ridiculous amount even compared to 1 mile driven. Nothing more to add.

    This CO2 can be added as a by-product from other industries and as such does not increase emissions. CO2 is actually generally produced as a by-product of gas seperation for the production of other gases.

    We should concentrate on the 99.995% of the emissions.

  5. I actually know some environmentalists who themselves use loads of paper plates, paper cups, paper towels and do not recycle. Yes our world is full of hypocrites.

  6. Carbonated drinks contain dissolved CO2 that was until recently, located in the atmosphere. Open the can, and the CO2 goes back into the atmosphere.

    What is more concerning is the CO2 that is released from burning fossil fuels. This CO2 has been stored in rocks for millions of years. Humans so far have burnt enough fossil fuels to raise the atmospheric CO2 concentration by over 35%.

  7. I'm concerned about global warming, and I don't drink carbonated drinks.  There are many natural drinks that are much healthier for you.

  8. Drink as many sodas you want.  GW is a hoax.

    My 2 cents.

  9. Actually, we don't, at least not often.  I use refillable bottles, and pour water in them from local sources.  If we want flavor, we use powder and mix it here at home.

    We don't use "one use" plastic bottles much any more, and we recycle when we do.  The plastic comes from fossil fuels, you know.

    We don't pay to haul flavored water when water is available here.  Why burn petroleum based fuels to haul something hundreds of miles when I can get the same effect by using water from local clean sources?

    You can get Gatorade, lemonade, fruit.  I won't be surprised when colas become available as a powder to add.

    Personally, I like the water fine without the flavors.

  10. The carbon in soda is part of the natural carbon cycle.  It has simply been dissolved into the soda water.  It doesn't contribute much, if it at all, to global warming.

    Global warming is caused primarily by:

    1. the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas - these sources release carbon that has been sequestered in the earth for millions of years, and;

    2. deforestation - forests are natural carbon sinks, removing them upsets the natural carbon cycle.

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