
Do people dock the tails of cats?

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Just saw a tailless cat and it was not a Manx cat as I am in Spain




  1. Manx are not the only cats that have naturally short tails. There is a rare cat breed known as a "Pixie Bob" that also has a short tail. Normally a person will not dock a tail on a cat unless it is for a medical reason.  

  2. i had a manx and she was born like that but i have heard of people taking off their cats tails but it is so bad because it cuts off all their nerves that help them not be constipated

  3. Minxes, and wild cats. For example scottish wild cats

  4. NO. It may be a birth defect.

  5. no!

  6. noway

  7. Yeah, the answer to your question is NO, unless there is a medical problem and it is beneficial to the quality of life to the cat to have the tail removed.  There are a number of cats (not Manx) that are born with out a tail as a birth defect, but as a rule, cats do not have their tails docked for cosmetic purposes.

  8. NO

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