
Do people doing zina in shia countries just need to say "we're doing mut'ah, not zina" and it's theno k?

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Since no witnesses are required for mut'ah, can't everyone just say they're doing mut'ah? If written evidence is required of a contract, they could say the paper flew out the window. I'd really like to know how shias stop this concept being abused.




  1. .......................or the dog ate the papers:D

  2. The Permissibility to pay a woman for s*x in sunni books, without fear of Islamic punishment

    We read in Dur al-Mukhthar, Volume 2, Page 474 (a compilation of the great Fatwas of Imam Abu Hanifa) as follows:

    We read in Fathul Qadeer that if a man informs a woman that he is paying her for s*x then he cannot be subject to any manner of Islamic penalty.

    Can i pay will that be ok? lol

  3. If we are doing Muta'h its islamic And halal

    وَاتَّفَقَ الْعُلَمَاء عَلَى أَنَّ هَذِهِ الْمُتْعَة كَانَتْ نِكَاحًا إِلَى أَجَل لَا مِيرَاث فِيهَا , وَفِرَاقهَا يَحْصُل بِانْقِضَاءِ الْأَجَل مِنْ غَيْر طَلَاق

    "Ulema agree that this Mut'ah is a Nikah in which the husband and wife do not inherit from eachother and separation would take place on the completion of the Specified time without Talaq".

    Sharh Sahih Muslim, Volume 4 page 13

    The Sunni scholar Allamah 'Abd Ar-Rahman al-Jazeri in his Al-fiqh 'Ala Al-Madhahib al-Arba' said:

    Now look what your sunnis have said ....

    أما حقيقة نكاح المتعة، فهو أن يقيد عقد الزواج بوقت معين، كأن يقول لها: زوجيني نفسك شهراً. أو تزوجتك مدة سنة. أو نحو ذلك، سواء كان صادراً أمام شهود وبمباشرة ولي، أولا

    The reality of Nikah Mut'ah is that, in the marriage recital performed with a woman, words are added which stipulate that the marriage is for a fixed time. For example a man shall say 'she shall remain as my wife for a month, or I shall have Nikah Mut'ah with you for a year." The parties themselves act as witnesses. It can occur in the presence of a Wali or witnesses, or without them.

    Al-fiqh 'Ala Al-Madhahib al-Arba' (Lahore Edition) Volume 4, page 167

    For Real muslims Mutah is halan But

    What about you sunnis breast feeding....

    Did you hear about it ?

  4. Then he will have to account to Allah, you can fool everyone, but you can't fool Allah.

    Zina is not the same as Temporary marriage, Zina children have no rights, their is no Maher, the parents don't have to know, their is no divorce, no Idda a waiting period of 3 month after the divorce or period is finished, in temporary marriage the same laws of Nikah Apply, you are just to ignorant, or trying to debate something you know nothing about, just heard something here something there, and now you are here asking about it.

  5. u gave them a good idea

    next time they gonna do the same u said

    BTW , it's a nice way to escape from punishment , but they can't do with ALLAH(swt)

  6. And why they get reward who do mutah

    they get the rank of imam or prophet .

    Once ---- Hussain

    Twice ----Hasan


    fourthtime..........Prophet (saw)   NAOZOBILLAH)

  7. When mutah is available why would anyone do zina? If the state doesn't know then Allah knows and He is the best of judges.

  8. I don't know much about Shia faith.

    My viewpoint....

    However when you do a sin like zina it is bad for the two people involved only. So Allah will punish them not other human beings (because it has not done any damage to the community).

    Another example...

    If you don't pray than other human beings can not punish you or forgive you. Allah will punish or forgive.

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