
Do people eat sharks?

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Do people eat sharks?




  1. YUM, YUM! - for my tum tum.

    Cooked it last week in a Thai curried fish recipe. Firm flesh, so didn't fall apart. Can also Grill (broil) fry, deep fry, BBQ, use as a soup base mince for fish cakes.

    Wouldn't eat raw though - and not as good as prawns.

  2. heck yeah, it is usually what the fish is in 'fish and chips'

  3. Shark fins are used in some Japanese dishes...but I've never heard of anyone actually eating shark meat.

  4. Yes lots of people eat shark all over the world. I work at a fish and chip shop and we sell Gummy Shark, but people eat many different species...depends what country you're in I guess =)

  5. Yes they do.  Mako is sometimes called the steak of the sea.

    One thing though.  You can not eat shark liver.  It is toxic (well actually it has too many fat soluable vitamins and they are in  such high amounts).  My uncle was going to try it once but didn't like the smell after cooking it so he fed it to his cat.  Three days later all the cat's hair fell out and it kept falling over.  It got better but it took a while.

  6. Yes, for many of the island races, shark is not so much a delacacy as it is a staple. Myself, I've eaten it and I don't really like it. It is a very dense oily meat.

  7. Yes they do.

  8. In Australia, we have flake sold in fish and chip shops. Flake is Shark and tastes delicious

  9. yeah. that's why a lot of species are endangered. shark fin soup is popular in asia.

  10. Yes, most fish & chip shops use shark because there is no risk of bones, so no chance of being sued.

  11. yeah its called flake

    and it is beautiful crumbed with lemon

  12. Yes.  Shark fin soup is very popular in Asia.

  13. I just want to clarify, shark fin soup is not Japanese you morons.  And although sharks have no bone, they are full of cartilage.  So they are not much better in that respect.

  14. Yes because it has no bones.

    In Australia it is the preferred fish flesh in our fish & chips shops where it is sold as "FLAKE"

    Only 2 or 3 people a year get eaten by sharks in Australia a year so the sharks should be more worried about us than us about them.

  15. yes you can eat shark, in Australia it's called flake and is Delicious also the Japanese eat shark fin soup.

  16. yup.

  17. yes its what you eat when you eat fish and chips generally.

    flake comes from gummy sharks.

  18. Like flake from the fish n chips shop?

    Then you eat shark!!

  19. Yes they do.

    Shark fin Soup


    BBQ shark fillet
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