
Do people ever lose their want for love/relationships?

by Guest63076  |  earlier

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Well, I've pretty much never had a serious relationship, and the closest thing to one happened and ended half a decade ago. It's not like I have a horrible trouble meeting people, I'm in general pretty social, good in terms of appearances, and nothing is really out of the ordinary with me, except I just can't find love.

All it's done for me is add stress and makes me not feel good about myself. As a result, I'm just trying to give up on love and forget about it. Is this possible? Is there anyway to exclude these feelings?




  1. I don't think you lose the want.  You can definitely learn to live without it.  Many, many people believe that love and relationships are not worth the effort, but to get to that point I think you would have to have had a few relationships.

  2. Nothing makes us feel badly about ourselves except ourselves.  Explore that.

  3. . 'Love' is just a romantic word for sexual attraction. Once you get real old, like 40 or more, you lose those chemicals that drive your s*x Drive.

    That's why old people don't make fools of themselves chasing the opposite s*x.

  4. i feel the exact same way n hav the same problems!! i'm only 18 n think i've already given upon relationships n ever finding love. but wen i feel down i realise having a serious relationship n anyone in my life right now will just hinder me n get in my way. i think you shud start thinkin that way, i've heard it comes wen u stop lookin. enjoy the things the love doin now.......the possibilites are freeing and endless!! think big. u get everything u want wen u are truly ready for it. dont rush ur destiny n Gods plan for u!

  5. people's happines depends on social interaction. even helping kids, being a volunteer can make you happy. if you have someone to be with, thats fine. a friend to make you feel better while being together - also fine :]

    but the problem is depression. humans are fuelled by love from other people. material things wont make you happy. think about it if you can live like this, if you have someone to "fuel" your happiness. love is a desire for all humans. without it, people can be unhappy or even evil. lack of love is the cause of all evil. sociopaths cannot love people cause they never experienced any love, so they commit evil stuff.

    its better to be in love cause humans are better when we have someone to hug and kiss. so the question, if you can forget about love? you cannot control your body, you will always have a desire to love someone else. scientists found a connection between mental illnesses and lack of love. many people are now in mental hospitals cause they have issues with their mentality. love is more than just making us happy. if humans arent happy, then our minds can also be affected in a bad way.

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