
Do people ever make you feel bad about being home schooled? ?

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  1. No. That whole 'home-edders are weird/freaks/social misfits' thing is something I have *never* come across in real life. Where we live, it's common place and very much the normal way to go; every kid is homeschooled at least until high school.

    In fact it's only on home-ed websites that I've witnessed the 'home-edders are weird/freaks/social misfits' thing(!). On the other websites I hang out on, everyone else knows I'm home-educated but they don't care; everywhere else online I'm just Hannah, the kid who lives in the middle of nowhere with nothing except cows, lol. No-one anywhere else has any issues with (or feels any need to comment on) my not going to school.  

    Also, you should remember the quote attributed to Eleanor Roosevelt, already alluded to by other people:

    'No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.'

    Nobody can make you feel bad about being homeschooled unless you let them. Hold your head up high; know that you're doing what's right & best for you; know that you (not them) are responsible for the way you feel; and simply don't pay any heed to their comments - just let their opinions wash over you 'like water off a duck's back' (as the saying goes). That way no-one can make you feel bad about anything, be it homeschooling or anything else.

  2. Nah.  They try, though.  But you need to understand there are several causes for this: ignorance, fear, and jealousy.

    People have no idea what homeschooling involves.  They often picture one parent and the kids, sitting at the kitchen table, struggling to learn every subject.  They don't know how many options are, how many different ways people learn, and how much time homeschoolers are out and about, how well homeschoolers do socially and educationally, how many colleges recruit homeschoolers. That's the ignorant part.  

    People fear folks who are different.  Parents, in particular often find that homeschoolers awaken their own guilt about what their kids are going through needlessly.  Instead of taking this information and looking into homeschooling, they lash out.

    And then, of course, there is jealousy - of the freedom, of the choices, of the fun.

    If someone tries to make you feel bad, figure out whether they are speaking from ignorance, fear or jealousy, and remember than no one - no one - can make you feel bad without your permission.

    All the best.

  3. No one has the power to make anyone feel bad, only you can choose to feel bad.  

    That is one of the best parts of home schooling - being with our kids helps parents to guide children through tough instances, which, over time, helps them to develop strong self esteem and less of a need to please other people.  

    In my experience, most people, other kids, have been very supportive of our choice and my daughter.  Most kids envy her.  Occasionally, we run into a comment fearing "socialization", which is truly not an issue for home schooled kids, definitely not ours.  We socialize and mix with more people -of various races, creeds, and political persuasions - on a daily basis than most schooled kids, and we actually interract with those other people, vs at school where kids end up segregating themselves from others.  

    Have you googled local home school groups?  I bet if you hook up with a few other kids, and pursue your own interests, you'll stop worrying of what others think.

    Good luck.  

  4. never let people hurt you in any way always be yourself  

  5. no i dont get home schooled ur so lucky i wish i can get home skooled it wud be easier who is teasing you? they are just jealous lol

  6. There are people that tease my boys. The same people that tease my boys are the same ones getting weekend detentions or suspensions for fighting. These people that tease also have to repeat certain grades because they don't pay enough attention in class. They think that school, any school, means it's all about friends and bullying, not learning.

    The best part about home schooling, our boys learn anything they wish to learn without any gaps. They don't ever have to worry about being shot in a home school or have their lunches stolen. There's no favoritism here or hatred for not having the cool cell phone, car, or classification they are in.

    Home school has been great for them. In spite of the few brat kids on the outside, they have learned quite a bit here at an accelerated rate.

    A lot of your answerers have it right. No one can make you feel bad. The people that tease you suffer from envy, jealousy, and ignorance as ozboz48 below me had said. The people teasing you will wind up going nowhere in life as did the ones that were teasing mine. Two of the public school kids that teased me children are currently sitting in a juvenile detention facility for burglary and assault and they're only 11 and 13. Teasing my boys did them no good but showed only their true sides.

  7. I've known some kids who've had problems with other people making them feel bad. It can happen and it's unfortunate. I've known plenty of parents get flack from family, friends and even total strangers for their choice to homeschool.

  8. I'm not home schooled but I just know that if I do get home schooled people would make fun of me. Cuz to be honest, most people now a days are very boastful and greedy. And life has been so predictable T.T But let's get to my point, Sometimes people would make you feel bad for the things that your doing that's not "in" to our century. Just like wearing the clothes which people used to wear years ago in our parents time. People would usually talk behind our backs and make fun of us if they see us wearing those clothes right?

    Anyway.. Just try to stay proud for whatever your doin right now and think about the positive stuffs that can be done. For example one positive effect of being home schooled is that no one will ever disturb you in your studies because the only people that would be included in your home schooling would be you and your teacher =]

    - from DreamPrincess  

  9. I don't see how they could. I LOVE being homeschooled. They can say anything they want to about homeschooling, but I know how great it is from experience. No one can "make" you feel bad about something. They can say anything they want to. They have that freedom. But it's up to YOU whether you let their words get to you or not.  

  10. Yeah, They used to try all that c**p.  Just remember that when you are soaring through college, with full scholarships for your awesome grades, that none of those kids, or adults for that matter, will have a word to say.

      (how can they with both feet in their mouth?)

    Hang now, Gloat later!!!

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