
Do people ever sail around the world starting from the east coast of the US? I've heard it's easier from the?

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west coast but if you wanted to sail from New York or Baltimore what route would you take?




  1. Read a book called "Sailing alone around the world" by Captain Joshua Slocum who set sail in April, 1895 from Newport, RI

    The typical route today from the east coast would typically be to Bermuda, the caribbean, through the panama canal, the marquesas, australia, singapore, across the indian ocean and up through the suez to the Mediterranean, then back across the atlantic.

  2. Sure... in fact there are even some videos of a couple of retired Industrialists who did exactly that... separately... It was several years ago... They both crossed their outbound tracks in mid-atlantic.

    Time of year is EVERYTHING for planning a route like that.  The prevailing winds are from the North and North East during the summer months and shift to the South East to South West during the winter.. so if you were planning to sail East to West, you would LEAVE during the Summer and try to return in the winter and you would be on a Run most of the way.

    Check out a copy of Jimmy Cornell's CRUISING ROUTES OF THE WORLD and you can see it all right there in black and white and red.

  3. Yes u can, there are a couple of ways to do it.  The southerly route, @ the northern route. you would have to get a chart that shows the what is called the trade winds.  The time of year and route have to be right.  For example you would not want to take the southern route during the hurricaine season.

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