
Do people ever think about taking a vacation to hawaii?

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Vacation is a time to relax and forget about work people barely take a vacation these days.




  1. They just can't. They have things tying them down.

  2. I would never think of to go to Hawaii, it look boring to me.

  3. YES.. pplz even think of haveing their HUNYMOON there.. plz!

  4. They sure do, and many actually go. It was several years ago that I went there, but it was a wonderful vacation and relaxing.

    Maybe if I dream hard enough I will go again some day. I hope you do too, if you want to.

  5. my hubby and I are going to go see U2 in Hawaii this fall!

    i am so excited!

  6. Yes, people do think about taking a vacation to Hawaii.

    and your comment indeed has merit.

  7. yes i am actually going in september for a whole week! my brother is getting married on a beach in oahu and we get to go and relax...of course the baby stays with the husbands family lol!

    i think vacations are much needed. americans work more than almost any other country! i heard some other countries get like 3 months of vacay while we only get 2 weeks a year.  sucks dont it :)

  8. I have answered about 50 questions at least from people who are going on vacation to Hawaii, or planning to go.  So, yes people go all the time; I have been about 5 times and loved every minute of it.

  9. No, never

  10. I went to hawaii with my dad and my step mom about 10 years ago.  It was gorgeous, and fun and I absolutely loved it and would go again in a heartbeat!

  11. Hey.... this is the "GERMANY" Travel site...not HAWAII

  12. I was just in Hawaii a couple of months ago and can't wait to go back... love the atmosphere of Honolulu and the laid back lifestyle.

  13. It doesn't even seem like that sub part is a question...

  14. I dream about it all the time.  i have piles of seashells on my dressers and bookcases, pictures of the beautiful ocean, and candles that almost capture the scent of the sweet wind that i imagine is there.   i'm not likely to see a place like that for a long time.  too much work, not enough money.  but some day...

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