
Do people from Rhode Island have an accent?

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Im from RI and I want to know if I have an accent when I speak, and how it sounds. LIke a british accent sounds smart, and wealthy. What's mine sound like?




  1. I am from RI too and I have a somewhat british accent

  2. People from Rhode Island do not have an accent, as long as they are in Rhode Island.

    People from Rhode Island do have an accent when they are in Georgia.

  3. Not that I heard of! BTW = In order to pass an adequate judgment on your accent I must HEARD it, not READ IT

  4. Yes, everyone has an accent of some sort.  Rhode Islanders, to me, sound like New Englanders, and sound very different than people from the midwest, or from the south, or from the west coast, etc.  I don't know about smart or wealthy, or anything else.  I don't think about that stuff when I hear an accent, I just think about where the person might be from.

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