
Do people from West and South Asia have a small percentage of Mongoloid blood?

by  |  earlier

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I am aware that they are mostly caucasoid, like the europeans, but their hair is naturally pure black, look different from Europeans, have sorta slanty eyes.




  1. nope, just white asians

  2. most of the old world contains some mongolian blood thanks to ghengis khan himself, with some major support from his troops

  3. Well, I do not know about that, but a lot of them carry the Y chromosome of Genghis Khan and he was definitely Mongolian.

  4. you are just a racism.

    im from iran.the country with 3000 years history with aryan white peoples.we are not mongols

  5. Keep in mind that the idea of a single "Mongoloid race" who all look similar and share common ancestry is outdated. We now understand that the relationships between ethnicity, migration, genetics and physical characteristics are so complicated, such broad racial classifications are almost meaningless.

    You are right to assume that populations in much of Asia are descended from a mixture of people who came there both from the east and from the west. In terms of physical traits, you have a complicated patchwork of mixed groups in much of the continent. If you are interested in a particular ethnic group, then you can find genetic and historical studies that will tell you about where their ancestors came from, but it is too complicated to generalize about the genetic heritage of most countries or sub-regions in Asia.

  6. hey! watch it with those 'slanty eyes' c**p. we have extra folds of skin which others, like you, aren't blessed with.  and our hair isn't black. no such color. the color you are looking for is very dark, like a ebony brown. our ethnic status isn't in our blood but in the genetic structure. while most of us have a blood types, this isn't a pure thing. our eyes are usually dark brown but many of my fellow 'mongoloidians' are light brown and/or hazel (which is green/brown).  by the way, we are & never have been yellow. just to be sure you understand. our skin takes on a  light bronze shade that can & does deepen with sun exposure. it isn't dark brown as our african friends and not pale as the causoids/europeans. skin shade & tone is determined by the am't of sun you or your ancestors are/were exposed to, ok?  in answer to your question, the farther away from the source of anything, the likelihood of change is greater by the miles (separating from point of origin). dare i say kind of a dilution?
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