
Do people generally get sick on or after a cruise?

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My sister & brother-in-law want us to join them on a cruise, but having a virus from it doesn't seem like much fun... How common is it to get sick?




  1. Fairly common if you read or watch the news. Carnival Cruises has had particular trouble with this. This link will explain more:

  2. I have been on a cruise and I know many others who have been on one also and none of us got sick.  I don't think you should worry too much about it...just go have some fun!

  3. I'd say it's common but not general. only one in 100 passengers according to this article

  4. Here is a list of occurences from the CDC....

    Bring hand sanitizer gel with can be packed in suitcase or carried on plane if under 3.4 oz and in a quart size plastic zip bag.

  5. you won't get sick, don't worry about it

  6. It is fairly common.

  7. Who's "us"?

  8. It can be common, but in my opinion you are no more likely to get sick on a cruise ship than you are flying or going to a different travel destination, or even staying home.

    The news loves to report bad things about cruise lines, and it is true that people get sick after being on a cruise. But, they are able to link the illness back to a cruise more easily than they are some place else, so it makes for a better story and they can get more people scared about taking a nice vacation.

    If you are careful and wash your hands all the time, you should be fine. Never eat or anything like that unless you have washed your hands. When you cruise you will see signs everywhere telling you to wash your hands, some lines even have wet naps in the dining rooms for you to use.

    It is a little easier for illness to spread on a cruise, and that is one of the reason the lines are so strict if someone is sick. If one person comes onboard, especially one child, that illness can spread very fast. Touching handrails, or buttons in the elevator, etc. Since there is a large group of people in one inclosed area, with little time off the ship, it can spread faster. If one child is sick, goes to the kids club, the other kids play with them and then get sick, you can see how easily it can spread. If the cruise line believes someone is sick, they can keep them in quarentine until they are able to get off, or if they feel a child is sick, they can prevent them from joining in the kids club activities.

    Of all the cruise lines, Carnival has had the most problem. In my experience they have been one of the least tidy ships, and this is the main reason why they have had more problems, in my opinion.

    I've been on many, many cruises and I can honestly tell you that I have become sick more often from flying on commercial airlines than I have cruising.

    I know hearing these stories in the news is a little bit concerning when you are wanting to cruise, but if it were me, I wouldn't let it worry me too much.

    I hope this helps.

  9. Not very common, I mean it can happen. But it shouldn't stop you from going on a cruise.

  10. no i don't think its common at all we had such a grand time on our cruise never got sick on or after . all was good only sad part was it was over too fast .

  11. This is no common at all.  It seems common due to the media, but if you are a clean person and remember to was your hands all the time you will not get sick.  The Norovirus is contracted by touching a contaminated area, door k**b, elevator button etc. then going to eat.  If you are going to get sick you most likly will be sick before the end of the cruise.  The Norovirus is the medical term for the Stomach flu.  This is not a cruise line illness, but due to the compact area is spreads fast.

  12. I have been on 2 cruises. I did not get sick after either trip. I also did not get sick (except for over indulging during the pub crawl) on the cruise. I would highly recommend joining your sister and brother in law. It will be the experience of a lifetime. True relaxation and pure fun!

  13. i went on a cruise in the summer and me and my whole family was fine. if you're afraid of catching the noro virus, then make sure that you keep your hands clean and if they are not, don't put them to your face.

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