
Do people giving out babbyname answers actually have babbies?

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Do people giving out babbyname answers actually have babbies?




  1. I have three babies.......=}

    Well they use to be babies anywho!

  2. i never had a babby, but i had 3 babies.

  3. I think more importantly, are the people asking for baby names actually pregnant? lol

  4. No one in the world has a babby. Learn to spell, then ask questions.

  5. no babbies here

  6. I ain't got no babbies, but I know all kinds of good babby names.  





  7. I don't I just like coming up with baby names and gives me an idea of what. I want in the future.

  8. Yep, I have a baby :) But I've noticed a lot of people asking for baby names that aren't even pregnant. It's a little annoying when they're 12 years old.

    God Bless!

  9. No, but they know how to use spellchecker.

  10. A babby reminds me of Christmas Eve....

  11. Babies Yes, Babbies No

  12. No - most of them are just giving their opinion of names they like.

    I do not have any babbies.

  13. I have 2 babies and another on the I can safely say that I am one of those people who answer baby name questions that have children of my own.

  14. I think its the other way around people are just asking about there favorite or least favorite names even though they're not pregnant.

    but I'm pregnant with twin girls

  15. Psssst....they only get the "babby" thing in R & S

    No one jokes about barbecued babbies here.

  16. what's a babbie?

  17. Do you think people who are Doctor's on their avatar are really Doctors?

  18. What's a babby?

    and does it really matter? Everyone has a name and knows people with names, so we can all have an opinion on which ones are good or bad.

    I don't have any... yet.

  19. Babbies? No. Babies? I'm sure some of them do. I don't, but I am a teen so I know what names may result in the child being teased.

  20. My babbies are now menses.

  21. I have 3 babies.

  22. An R&S babby or just a regular babby?

    I could never name a babby that I'd be intending to make into some nice babby fajitas...  

  23. I'm not a mom yet.  

    But I've been a baby name nerd since I was about 15

    That's like 10 years experience! :)

  24. does it matter.... people are just giving their opinions...

  25. well if u mean baby then yes I do! not too mention i've spent 13 years of my life studying names and name trends.

  26. if u mean babies and baby names then prolly not but i bet some do atleast

  27. does it matter

    as long as the parent finds the perfect name

    who cares who it came from?

  28. I do.

  29. God I hope not! Otherwise there's about 5 million Alexis' out there!

  30. Most of the legitimate answerers on here have kids.

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