
Do people gossip about you unnecessarily?

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How does this affect you?Do you get into problems for this?And how do you avoid this type of people?




  1. Constantly. Have not gotten into any problems yet..other than just being annoyed in general. I think most people actually ignore gossip..most reasonable people anyway.

    I don't know anyway to avoid them other than moving away from civilization.

    Gossipers will gossip whether can avoid them or not from my experience anyway.

    I am pretty numb to it now. I just laugh when I hear the crazier things. And when the gossip is true its usually so inconsequential I wonder why anyone even cares.

  2. Just because I'm (hypothetically) paranoid doesn't mean they are not out to get me.

  3. A while back I was employed in a department that was gossiping quite a bit about me.  When we had a department meeting, at the end, I stood up and proclaimed that a number of things were being said about me and that I would like to declare that they are in fact true.  Then I walked out.  Nothing was ever said again about me.

  4. yup, and i do the same to other people.

  5. Of course.

    It doesn't affect me at all ...although I do worry that they might be working their selves into an unnecessary frenzy about me.


    I avoid them my marking them with a BIG red Cross and then walking on the other side of the road, or drive so as to NOT hit them.


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