
Do people have looser morals now than they did more than a decade ago?

by  |  earlier

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or are they just as loose, but people are just more open to talking about stuff. your opinion please! 10 pts. to best answer




  1. yes drugs are the reason for that

  2. No pt ten years ago. However, looser morals than let's say 40 years ago. The women's lib did that. Also, men have learned the truth about the high cost of their divorcing their wives. That and trying to pay child support breaks men because of NOW and their getting child support stand rads acts passed, requiring fixed dollar amounts for supporting kids. So many men now more than ever lie to get nookie and have shallow relationships because of the fear of divorce costs and the record numbers of divorces.

    Condums and the day after puills are very easily obtainable, making s*x more appealing.

    Also, lyrics in sings are extremely seductive now and that contributes to loose morals, but not mores than ten years ago.

  3. i use the loose powder conseler, its light weight! how about you?

  4. Decades ago, Nietzsche said that God no longer could rule as a moral guideline for people. Since then, religion has faced a major degradation, and the Catholic church will presumably never recover from the child molestation cases. Religion has lost all of it's fear and intimidation, and as such, people will no longer be guided by their beliefs.

    Of course, we're in an age now where everything has already been said. There's s*x and violence everywhere, and television barely bothers to censor what we see. After awhile, we just stop holding back; the media has successfully changed us.

    There is nothing in the world to stop us from being apathetic, violent, and manipulative for the sake of self-pleasure. There is probably a lot of causation involved, and I don't particularly think any one thing caused this to happen.

  5. I think society has reached a point of "who gives a rats patoot".

    loose morals these days would have been interpreted as "call the EXORCIST" a century ago. The clothes we wear, the words we use so fluently, and the way we approach relationships with the opposite s*x are fine in 2008 terms, but wouldn't have been acceptable in 1908. Oh, you said decade! I think we are looser.

  6. Do you mean the acts are more noticed cuz they talk about it?Maybe, but I don't think it's actually increased. I think people whine more now than they did 10 years ago. But morally , it's about the same, except kids have s*x younger.

    A lot more kids are on mind-altering prescriptions than before. Kids are also seeking alternatives to cocaine and other illegal drugs, via prescription pill over circulation in general.  Also, cutting themselves seems to be the new thing.

    The music sucks too. The extra s*x in the music is cuz subtleties don't register in minds anymore. This generation is probably gonna have the highest rate of erectile dysfunction by the time they are 25.

    You want morals, look to WW2.

  7. no, society is tighter and less tolerant.

  8. i think that people are more open to talking about things then they use to be...everything was kept in the "closet" and not allowed...that makes things more dangerous for everyone...talking and getting out in the open helps prevent sexual diseases and prejuding somebodys character...people since the begining of time are doing the same things they always have we can make them alittle safer to do...talking and education is the best way to prevent any disaster...

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