
Do people have the right to complain to the legal system about you, and they issue tickets to those people?

by Guest64465  |  earlier

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That's EXACTLY what happened to me and I had no idea someone could do that to someone else without any proof or whatever. Someone was complaining that I was "reckless driving" in town, during a little squabble when a car behind me was tailgating me and beeping at me to move quickly in slow traffic. All I did if anything was stop my car for a second, see what the other drivers problem was, give them the finger to cut it out, and kept going on my merry way. They decided to then follow me endlessly, and I just tried losing them. That's that.

So someone, whether it's that driver or someone else, decided to go to court complain, and two days later I get a notice with a charge of reckless driving saying I have to appear in court!!

To me, this is totally absurd, as I was driving just fine, I was being intimidated by the other driver,

and they're just doing this to be nasty about it!

So being that this is exactly the case, should I go about it?

Should I also complain about them and get a ticket issued out to them, call a lawyer, can the court even tell me if i were to call them what's going on?

I have no idea what I' fighting against, or what I'm dealing with, I'm confused and don't want to "go down" on charges which are BS, just b/c some disgruntled person felt like being bitter




  1. This would not happen and could not stand up in any court of law there would have to be some form of corroborating evidence to back up this other persons allegation. The court cannot send you a notice of reckless driving based soley on this person testimony, you are well within your rights to challenge this order, get legal advice

  2. What state are you from?

  3. Everyone has a right to file a complaint against someone else.

    Your day is coming in court.

    Present to the court exactly what hapened as stated above.

    Hire a good attorney to show that your actions were justifiable--and this person is psychotic and has filed a false report--also have him testify as to the actions done, this then beomes perjury on their part.

    As I would have an attorney looking at the following areas:

    1. He was being obnoxious and rude, beeping his horn, motioning for me to move on? Move on to where, get out of the way to let him pass? Where?

    2. Tailgated you and provoked your ire to give him the fickle finger of fate award,(Smothers Brothers Award to ppl of stupidity and showing it in public)

    3. He then proceeded to not drop the issue, but further it by stalking you around town, as in a drivers rage, out of control, behind a 3,000 device of destruction and mahem?

    4. Exaserbated by no response, after xx min of following me, he takes my license number, files a false complaint against me, (the innocent party in this action), to get me to appear in this court, to explain MY ACTIONS?

    5. Now your honor, I appeal to the sense of dignity, in this honorable court, I hereby simply ask the courts indulgence to state "If you were in my shoes, what would you have done?"

  4. Those people are not wearing uniform like KGB business on the court are slow.

  5. does seem as though you were a bit reckless.  But you were issued a ticket, which is a charge, so the answer is you go to court, plead not guilty to the charge, and let the judge decide.

  6. it's the American way.  stay calm, prepare your argument and express yourself clearly and succinctly in court.  Fear, anger and denial aren't going to help your presentation.  Don't get a lawyer over this - it's way too trivial.  you can express yourself, but don't play the victim nor pretend you did nothing.  acknowledge your role in the drama and apologize.  maybe you'll be found guilt of reckless driving - it's not the end of the world and you'll have learned an important lesson.

  7. yes

  8. Your story makes no sense to me.  Police officers are the ones that write citations for driving violations, not the court system.  For an officer to write a citation the violation MUST be witnessed by the officer...that goes for all misdemeanor arrests (with the exception of 4).  Citizens can call the police and say they saw something happen, but unless the police can actually verify the information (i.e. witness)they cannot write citations for anything.

    If you for some reason actually have a citation, take it to court and fight, since there is no legal basis for you to have gotten the citation.

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