
Do people honestly believe that global warming is fake?

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i would love to hear some great facts to make the idiots who believe its a hoax feel even stupider!




  1. It's real. It's also cyclical. The planet warms up. The planet goes thru an ice age. Maybe the planet is still warming up from the last ice age. Who knows? Humanity is doomed anyway.

  2. its acttually over money. big companys that are dirty industry don't want to spend $2 million to remodel their factories.

    here are some FACTS!

    1. Since 1950 the temp has gone up about 2.5 degrees.

    2. weeds are growing much bigger

    3. air polution is becoming dangerous on some areas of the globe.

    4. why would it be a hoax? i mean even if its not happening, wouldn't it be nice not to polute the planet and give animals their place to live in our ecosystem?

  3. well, alot of people don't want to accept the fact. that is why they deny it.

    by the way...."stupider" is not a word.

  4. OMG  my mom dad and brother think it is fake and it buggs me soooo much!

    global warmming is sooo there and i think they just dont want to addmit it!

    i am the only one in the house that inforces the recycle rule too!

    i am the only earth friendly one and it bugs the h**l out of me! i cant wait to move out too i know my b/f has to believe in global warming to make it a successful relationship!

  5. You will not agree with me since I get my science from study, not from movies made by plagiarist politicians who have carbon credits to sell and a socialist 'union' to set up.

    Climate change (as it is being thrust upon us) is nothing more than a money and power grab scheme by the bottom feeder politicians and power brokers. It has nothing to do with ecology and everything to do with money.

    Con artists like Al Gore have enriched themselves on this issue, taking home Oscars, Nobel Prizes and millions of dollars. Meanwhile, evangelical leaders are setting up their flocks for extreme fleecing by leftist politicos like Barack Obama, who will appeal for Christian votes by talking in glowing, biblical-sounding terms about "being good stewards of God's creation."

    Here is truth about global warming:

    Global warming is one-half of the climatic cycle of warming and cooling.

    The earth's mean temperature cycles around the freezing point of water.

    This is a completely natural phenomenon which has been going on since

    there has been water on this planet. It is driven by the sun.

    Our planet is currently emerging from a 'mini ice age', so is

    becoming warmer and may return to the point at which Greenland is again usable as farmland (as it has been in recorded history).

    As the polar ice caps decrease, the amount of fresh water mixing with oceanic water will slow and perhaps stop the thermohaline cycle (the oceanic heat 'conveyor' which, among other things, keeps the U.S. east coast warm).

    When this cycle slows/stops, the planet will cool again and begin to enter another ice age.

    It's been happening for millions of years.

    The worrisome and brutal predictions of drastic climate effects are based on computer models, NOT CLIMATE HISTORY.

    As you probably know, computer models are not the most reliable of sources, especially when used to 'predict' chaotic systems such as weather.

    Global warming/cooling, AKA 'climate change':

    Humans did not cause it.

    Humans cannot stop it.

    Quod erat demonstrum


    Well, you cant blame some people for not listening to you ,In Fact they already know what is happening to our planet but they dont have the guts to face it because in preventing GLOBAL WARMING involves not using : ELECTRICITY, CARS, NATURAL RESOURCES, POWER PLANTS  and many things that we are using today in our daily lives , you know that people today are getting lazier and lazier each day so they cant face things that prevent global warming . WATCH     INCONVINIENT TRUTH  and LISTEN TO WHAT IV'E DONE  LINKIN PARK TO INSPIRE IN EVERY STEP to TAKE in preventing global warming . If We continue to ignore this INCONVIENT TRUTH  the world will be under the sea level  and new certain diseases come to pop up  and this is all by our doing . In Inventing new things we can not always benefit in them there are consequences to take too.

  7. Global warming and Global cooling has been going on throughout the ages.

    The hoax is that global warming is somehow new and that human activity is somehow responsible.

    The fact is that glaciers once came as far south as Toronto. Nobody paid any attention to retreating glaciers until now. So the hoax is on us because there are people trying to gain power falsely and raising our costs by promoting the hoax.

    Feel stupid yet?

  8. I'm not sure how many people actually completely don't believe in it..i just think some people don't think it as serious and intense as some people make it out to be..I think that we have to be careful...but we don't need to freak out. Just protect what we have


    Maunder minimum

    —A period between 1645 and 1715 when the solar activity cycle operated at a greatly reduced level.

  10. you want ppl to waste there time humoring you? maybe you should shut off your comp. and save some energy so you can help global warming.

  11. If Global warming is real, how do you explain that the world temp has only risen 3/4 of a degree in the past 400 years ? Why are the ice caps growing instead of melting ? How wrong were the crazy liberals of the seventies with the global cooling scare ? Have any of the  global warming nut jobs done any research on solar activity and its effects on the environment ?  Do you realize that the 10 hottest years of the twentieth century were before 1930.

    I think its time that we have an open debate on this issue.  That way we can here both sides and not have one shoved down our throats by the left wing media.

    This s all a scam.  Come on people do some research and form your own opinion.

  12. your question should be do people do still believe that global warming isnt caused by man.

    Climate change has occured naturally since the earth began.. warming times and ice ages. The argument is did man cause this warming cycle.

  13. Because they don't want to believe it. You can choose that but its not a risk that I would want my future grandchildren, to have to deal with.

    Better safe than sorry.

  14. There is a lot of controversy over global warming but maybe people should look at how polluted the world is and how such a bad job is been done in protecting our environment. Just make sure you research it you are the best person to make your decision.

  15. i dont believed that global warming is true. nobody knows that present warming trends might be a natural phenomenon. nobody knows that the present warming trend might be a man-made. we know astonishingly little about every aspect of the environment, from its past history, to its present state, how to conserved and how to protect it. in every debate , all sides overstate the exten tof existing knowledge and its degree of certainty.

    nobody knows how much warming will occur in the next century. the computer models vary by 400 percent, de facto proof that nobody knows. but if i have to guess- the only thing anyone is doing, really -i would guess the increase will be 0.812436 degrees celcuis. there is no evidence that my guess about the state of the world one hundred years from now is any better or worse than anyone else's. we can asses the future, nor we can predict it. these are euphemisms. we can only guess. an informed guess is just a guess.

    they just only want to belived us that theres a global warming to make us panic, to scare us so that we will support their organization, to fund their research to buy their stuff. we are now in the state of fear.

    its up to you if you want to believe...

  16. I believe that the debate on global warming is being shut down. Universities are not encouraging debate and public schools are teaching that man-made global warming is a fact when it is just a theory. There are many scientific studies on both sides of this issue. Please visit my blog, where I post 2 articles concerning the global warming deception and I have links to over a dozen articles some of which are written by prominent scientists.

    check it out at

  17. Yes. Most of us know GW caused by man is false. and as the top three climate study resources have determined, the earth is not truly warming.

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