
Do people in France inherit their parents money?

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I was watching something on PBS that suggested otherwise, so I am trying to get to the bottom of this.




  1. Yes they do.

    In fact, French inheritance law specifies that your relatives have rights to a certain proportion of your estate. The proportion that is due to your legal relatives is known as the Reserve Legale, while the proportion that you can freely give away is known as the Quotit Disponible.

  2. Rilifane is right.

    I just want to add that we currently have to pay taxes to the state in that case (droits de succession) but that the new President Sarkozy wants to cancel those taxes so the people can get the whole money from the inheritance.

  3. There's a place in France

    where the ladies wear no pants.

    But the men don't care

    cuz they wear no underwear.

    ...That's all I know about France...

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