
Do people in France watch TV or have bathrooms?

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I've heard that many french people just go outside in the streets to use the bathroom. And i've also heard that they don't have TV's yet. I was just wondering if this was true?




  1. i think they p**p in cups in the closet, and then every week the p**p-guy comes and collects it, kind of like the garbage man does in the US.

  2. You must be kidding. You should watch "Amelie", the highest grossing French movie of all time by the famous French actress Audrey Tautou. Both bathrooms and TVs were involved...

    Or maybe you mixed up the information with some of the French overseas departments? There are quite a few uninhabited Frency colonies...

  3. Yes, true, we don't watch TV: too many American programs.

    Sorry, I have to leave you now: have to go outside.

  4. where do you live???? seriously i mean in which world?

  5. where do you get your information from because you are being misinformed and are you serious??? ya they use their dumpsters for the bathroom.... werido

  6. You are absolutely right !

    But tell me how they are one of the most powerful and influential country in the world.

  7. both, they watch the TV when there in the tub and also do a lot of other things i refuse to say on the air sorry but im watching T.V. in my tub also . YOU should try it TV. TUB TIME

  8. How old are you???????

  9. Do people in the US know there's a world apart from theirs? I'm sorry, but asking this kind of question prove you're very stupid and I really wonder how you can be the most powerful country in the world thinking such things. I'm happy to see that many of you know what the world is, how a french house looks like. But are they the majority, I don't know.

    What do you think? You think we live in caves? Or in medieval castles? I've been 2 times in the US. Your houses are made of wood and cardboard, ours are mades of bricks. We have a good health care system and Pasteur was french.

    And about TV. Do you know how old it is? It is about 60 years. Don't you think we have had time in 60 years to get it? Even in shantytowns in Africa or India they have TV sets.

    Last question: how old are you? Seriously. Please tell me you're under 8. If not, read books, go back to school, travel a bit, use the internet to get a brain!

  10. whoever told you that garbage is an ignorant fool

  11. hahahahha that sounds primitive....

  12. Where do you get your information? seriously come on? but that would be funny hahaha

  13. No they have bathrooms and tv's like us.

  14. lol, are u serious?

  15. hehehe, thanks for the 2 points.

    By the way, why have TV's when electricity is illegal ??

  16. Well of course.. they had TVs and bathrooms before we did in the U.S. and it was the United States that copied the idea from France.... get real !!

  17. in France we washes oneself certainly more than the majority of American salt **** and in Europe, contrary to the USA we has a brain

  18. Hi there i'm Italian-American And In summer time I live close to french border

    I'm going to make a Business in France with Bathrooms with LCD TV incorporated

    I'm Gonna Be Totally RICH!!! Au revoir

  19. That's right

    I live in France, I wash with red wine, or in a river, once a month.

    And I use a typewritter to send you this message

  20. no. the french use bathrooms and have tvs i play with frnch people on xbox live all the time and they are always taking bathroom breaks and have to  have a tv to play xbox.

  21. Good Lord, please save public schools.

  22. You are kidding right? If not, where did you get your education from?

  23. I do hope you are not serious.  French people do have TV's and bathrooms in thier houses.

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