
Do people in Greece drink a lot of Coffee?

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If not what is the most common favorite beverage?




  1. Due to the heat Greeks mostly prefer cold coffee during the summer months, Frappe, Freddo etc.

    I personally have between two and six or seven every day.

    Next in line are probably soft drinks and beer.

  2. lot of coffe and many other drinks like biral try it if you come

  3. A cold frappe!  The ideal coffee to wake you up!  Check it out here:  

    This can wake up anyone!  Enjoy it!  ;-)

  4. lol i love the bunny wunny cute....firtsly get some decent pulverised greek coffe . it would take you a while to cook it the way the greeks to to a perfection..but here is a good and quick way to get the same effect of the .caffine kick .. with out cokking it...put your hot water kettle on ..boil water..heap one soup spoon of pulvirised greek coffe in a large cup sugar to taste  usally 1 to 2.. pour the hot water in cup half way stir vigirously  then add milk and fill to required amount or just have it black..this is called a( cafes megalos..) important since the coffe is not cooked its important to let the risidue in the cup sink tot he bottom this will allow the coffee essence to come to it full let stand drink after a minute ok..and belive me its got a kick like a mule...enjoy

  5. I like frape in the summer and hot instant coffee in the winter. I don't like nescafe classic, I like nescafe alta rica and jacobs the green one. everybody in greece is using nescafe classic and I hate it.

    I know some special recipes. instead of a drop of milk in your frape ad half water, half milk. it's better like that. fresh milk of course. one other recipe is to add coconut powder in the frape and coconute juice instead of milk.

    another is to use cinamon powder on top of the frape.

  6. Lots & lots of coffee..

  7. i dont know  i never hear anything  about greeks or greece.

  8. Frappe rules!!!!!!!!

    I drink a lot of coffee especially frappe and sometimes capuccino (hot and cold)

    unfortunately ,i dont smoke or drink but i drink lots of cofee.

    about 3-4 times per day........

    (no sugar or milk )

  9. Yes Greeks drink a lot of coffee. Especially our local "hellenic coffee" which is hot coffee, or " frape" which is cold coffee.

    Also we drink wine, beer and whiskey.

    The time we go out for a coffee with friends, it's not just about coffee. I mean, we don't just have a quick cup of coffee and go. No. It's a way to contact with your friends, talk with them, laugh with them,and that's why it always takes us a couple of hours to finish the coffee and leave the table. It's a way of living.

  10. Frappeee... I really love Frappe!!

    But one thing is funny... I love Frappe so much and I know how to do It but I like to drink It when I'm in Greece when I'm in other countries, now in Portugal for exemple I don't drink It a lot :S just when I'm in Greece.

    Yes we drink a lot of coffeeeee... and Frappe is number one!

  11. hi

    frappe is the king of coffees especially in Thessaloniki. (beware of the price )

    Some times i have freddo but never frappe when i went to the islands.

    P.S. frappe has so much caffeine that will make Cobe dunk from the center line!

  12. We drink a lot of coffee! My favourite is Greek  and freshly-ground filter coffee in winter and espresso fredo in the summer. I also like Irish coffee a lot.

  13. Coffee for greek people is an integral part of their everyday life...

    We are drinking coffee when we wake up and then a second at noon...

    If you come sometime to Greece try to drink FRAPE

    Frape is a kind of coffee that i don't think you (abroad) have smt like this.. It's awesome... Believe me and remember my suggestion when you caome to Greece...

  14. Greeks usually drink a coffee in the morning, one at midday and one in the afternoon.........they may also drink wine after the lunch or after the dinner, or ouzo.......

  15. Drinking coffee is the national pastime.  Everybody does it!

  16. I used to drink lots and lots of coffee and smoke lots and lots of cigarettes everyday for about 25 years.Six years ago I got a serious problem at my stomach and I stopped both of them. Thus I gained lots and lots of weight.I don't know what to do with my hands even thought so many years have past!!!Take it easy you guys especially with frappe.Yia sou.

  17. greeks have coffee running in their veins instead of blood. :) if youve ever drank a frappe you'll know why....its deeeeeelicious...puts starbucks and all the other p**p we have here in the states to shame.

  18. We drink much coffee! Especially Frappe ( Thessaloniki is called also Frappoupoli, it's a joke) We also drink filter coffee, turkish - Greek-Serbian - Cypriot Coffee :) actually it's the same coffee but we call it whatever we want:)

    Lately l've noticed that people drink a lot espresso ( both hot and cold) and Cappuccino ( hot and cold)

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