
Do people in Japan know that sports like baseball is western like we know karate is from Japan?

by Guest34132  |  earlier

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Do people in Japan know that sports like baseball is western like we know karate is from Japan?




  1. People in Japan know that baseball is from western or US.

    They use english words when they play baseball such as strike, out, and home run. Those words are written in Katakana characters used for words from overseas.

    Speaking of other sports, they tend to regard sports as from overseas if the name is written in Katakana. The name of most japanese sports is written in Kanji. So they can easily know whether or not the sports is from overseas.

  2. Of course ! And they love baseball there. There's a couple of Japanese on American teams here.

  3. Yes they do and I bet more Japanese know the origins of Soccer, Football, and Baseball than Westerners know the origin of Karate. I bet if you asked around half the people would say China. I often hear people confused over what is Chinese, Japanese, Korean etc.

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