
Do people in italy know what lasagna is?

by  |  earlier

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is it an American dish or does it have a different name in Italy.




  1. yeah i think they invent it

  2. LMAO!

    we not know what lasagna is?

    lovey, we invented the stuff!

    also pizza and salads came from here.

    so i dont know what your thinking.

    [im in america, but i was born and lived in italy untill i was 8]

  3. in italy it is called pasta al forno...pasta cooked in the oven.  Basically the same, but no cheese but beshemel.  Lasagna in out dialect..piemontese is agnolotti....ravioli

  4. What  ya won't learn on Wiki:  

    Lots of interesting stuff here, who would have "thunk" it???

  5. it is indeed Italian.the call it "le lasagne"  and the edges are not "ripely" wavy like American lasagne ....

  6. Of course they know what it is, maybe your friend was joking.

  7. People in Italy, of course, know what lasagna is. They invented it in the first place. I think those people you've met lied to you about their being italian.

  8. we know what it is! and no its not an american dish, it is really an italian dish. spaghetti and meatballs however....

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