
Do people in lebanon support hezballah?

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is there a lot of support from this organisation? i mean , they are trained and financed by IRAN and iran has caused nothing but trouble in lebanon. wouldnt lebanon be a better, more peaceful place without em?




  1. Does Israel support likood ? Hizballah is part of the gvnmnt, you like it or not.

    Hizballa dosen't have a diabolic plan like Zionists in Israel, Hizballa are people who fear GOD and good followers, unlike you and zionists who hate all human races including jews that dosen't support them.

    FYI I'm not a Shia-Muslim !

  2. That's like saying: do people in the U.S. support Bush.

    Iran has caused no trouble. It is all the rich countries causing all this trouble, war and death just so they can get richer and richer and stay in the power positions.

  3. NO

    there is a lot of supporters in Lebanon yes

    and Iran has nothing to do with Lebanon

    and Lebanon with out them will be (nothing)

  4. I think you would need to poll thousands of people, hard to get the correct view from 12 answers. Cheers!

  5. no mainly just the shia... I really dont know any educated person that supports the hezbollah they are full of hate and terrorism I mean come on they just had a stand off in leb and were killing there own people!! I think the people who support them do so maybe just because they are shia or maybe they feel like its the cool thing to do I dont know but what is a fact is that they kill and they are terroist and cause all the problems in lebanon.

  6. some do, some dont. like any other political party, it has its supporters and enemies.

  7. No...not all the lebaneses support hezbollah..

    And yes...i think Iran has so much to do witth that...They give them the weapons, logistic support, and money to finance them.

    Iran and Syria .........(and Israel of course), have caused only troubles in Lebanon.

    I wish that countries keep themselves out  of Lebanon and without interfere in lebanese  politic.

  8. No not All Lebanese only shias and ignorant people support this Terrorist organization

    and h**l yes  it's Iranian student and Nasralla always say we are student of Khomeini  so his Hizb is Iranian Hizb based in Lebanon and they made a country inside a country they ruined Beautiful Lebanon  god help people of Tripoli and other pure Lebanese

    i should move and do something to him like the previous one Al Sadar  it would be a great Favor for the world

  9. i agree with x-girl

    im palestinian but i support hezbollah more than i support any other organization alive

  10. Hezbollah enjoy support from the vast majority of Shias. They are currently alligned to Michel Aoun which has brought them some sympathy from a number of Christians, but even a number of Christians who support Aoun (like some of my aunts) detest Hezbollah and call them terrorists. They are allied with Hezbollah because they both oppose the government, not because they agree with each other's way of thinking. Either way, Aoun's popularity has declined from 70% of the Christians (pre-Hezbollah days) to about 40% of the Christians with the Hezbollah alliance.

    Yes, Iran is using my country's Shias, and they're in for a rude awakening when Israel kicks their a$$.

    Overall, I would say the majority of Lebanese are against Iran, in particular the Beirut Sunnis who hate them, Hezbollah and Syria now more than they could ever hate Israel and the majority of Christians who are against Hezbollah's ways. The Druze are one of the most pro-Israel groups in Lebanon (not saying much though since the majority of them are still anti-Israel) and very anti-Syria (they killed the Druze's biggest leader of all time, Kamal Jumblatt). The Christians who support the government hate Syria the most of all people, we were put through h**l by the Assad regime.

  11. dont say iran. say the iranian government, because the people of iran are amazing and hate everything about the government well 98% of them hate the government and they want peach and they hate hezbullahs (like i said 98%)

  12. I think it;s sorta like this:  A war breaks out and they infiltrate civilian homes and you are forced to be there as a bullet-proof vest for the if you call this support, then the answer is yes. but maybe no too.

  13. The ones in BEIRUT HATE Hezbollah.

    The support of Hezbollah is primarily only amongst Lebanese Shiites which account for 1.3 million people.

    Aside from them they have some support from Michel AOun's FPM party (Christians) but not more then 50%.

    Lebanon would be better without HA, the Palestinians, the Syrians, and the terrorist SSNP.

  14. Iran has caused some trouble in Lebanon but not as much as Israel has, and if it wasn't for Israel invading and occupying Lebanon in the first place then Hezbollah would not even exist today. Why did Israel have to occupy Lebanon in the first place? Is it because they can't stop their lust for war and violence? or is it because they're land pirates/thieves? For every action, there is a reaction, Hezbollah is not the action, it's the reaction. I've never seen Iranian soldiers in Lebanon, I've only seen Israeli soldiers polluting the air in Lebanon. You're just bitter because, with Iran's help, Hezbollah was able to expel the Israeli dog that was squatting on their land.

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