
Do people in northern canada play hockey

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the far north.. there are about 100,000 people living there and it is a good place for hockey, weather wise.




  1. Ted Nolan?

  2. I thought it was a national law that if you are Canadian, you have to play hockey for at least a period of your life at some point. Even if you suck. Up in the areas you are talking about Sounds like that is the main thing to do anyway.  But yes a few NHL players have come from those areas.  

  3. Does a bear **** in the woods?

  4. They play a variation of volleyball .. but the cold air causes the ball to pop!

  5. Do the names Jordin Tootoo, and Jonathan Cheechoo ring a bell. Both come from Northern Canada where there are no roads and plenty of ice.

    With those kinds of numbers this is like 250 players coming from New York City. Same ratio.

  6. No, they play a lot of beach volleyball. You know how plentiful beaches are up there...

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