
Do people in sweden usually hyphenate their name?

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Do people living in Sweden Hyphenate their names? example:Kevin-Anthony Taylor like kevin-anthony is first name and taylor is middle name??




  1. yes... yes they do

  2. No, not everyone has a hyphenated name in Sweden.

    A hyphenated name is also called a "double name". You can think of it as two first names which are always said together. Swedes who have an actual first and middle name don't put an alternative hyphen between their names.

    My mother-in-law has the double name Inga-Lill. Nobody ever calls her Inga or Lill, it's always Inga-Lill, thus a double name.

  3. No, not normally, first name tradition is much the same as anywhere else.

    A good explanation of Swedish name usage can be found here

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