
Do people in your neighborhood...???

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Set up shop in the front yard or back yard. I've always thought that the back yard is the place for say...outdoor furniture with umbrellas and such. Maybe I'm wrong??? We have neighbors two doors down that basically use their front yard as the back yard. It's always looks cluttered and messy. They have a table and chairs w/umbrella, a dog house with small dog tied to it (ick), a kiddie pool, tons of toys, etc. Everyone around here has a nice big backyard...I don't get it!

Is it normal to set up shop in the front yard?




  1. I live way out in the country, so people in my "neighborhood" set up shop wherever they feel like it. Side yards, front yards, back yards, in fact, it's really hard to tell which yard is which!

    However, I do agree with you. When I travel to town, I prefer it when people have all their "clutter" in the just gives the home a better appearance to people driving by.

    Plus, I would imagine you get a bit more privacy to do your outdoor living in a backyard.

  2. We live in a tract that has an association......with rules about certain things, and that is one of them.  Color of paint on homes, improving homes, building on, changing structures, etc., all have to be approved by an association......which I like.  Our backyard is rather big for the area that we live in, and I have a great side yard space for Pilot to pee and poo.  He also uses the backyard for play and hanging out with us.  We take him to the beach, mountains, and our local "private" park where he plays very actively with his buddies (about 5 to 15 dogs at a time).....dogs aren't actually allowed, but we keep it quiet, and we meet every day from 4 to 6pm.  Today we went to the beach..... here is his picture of joy for the day...

    We have a courtyard in front that is all open but I planted a ton of morning glory that encloses the area for privacy.  We keep a fireplace and outdoor table w/chairs in that area for our own enjoyment....but, it can't be seen from the road....thankfully.  

    I wouldn't want to junk up our front yard by stuffing my living quarters out there.  LOL!  

    *****SHEESH.....I try to take a break from "YA - DOGS" just to try another subject.....and can't seem to do it!!   Laughing!!!

    Have a great evening.  :o)

  3. No, they sound like hillbillys. I've got a few of those in my neighbourhood too. Strange how they don't notice they're the only ones, isn't it....

  4. Some people don't have both a back and front yard, or at least not much of one. I think it's each to their own. I personally don't care what other people think, so if they want to watch my garden parties, they can go ahead. It's not like most back yards are hidden from view anyway.

  5. we have one of those people in my neighborhood too there these brown people that have like 6 little kids that never seem to grow and every summer they have a blow up pool in their driveway and swing sets and swinging benches all in the front yard and toys everywhere.

  6. Everybody in my neighborhood uses the backyard.  Thank God!  I have really strange neighbors and I don't want to see their business when  I drive by.

  7. personally if i had kids i would feel better if they were in the backyard

  8. White trash and ghetto people set up their stuff in their front yard instead of their back.

    If you are having a yard sale then you set your stuff up in the front yard. You and some other people should go over there and eyeball their stuff and ask how much they are selling this and that for.

  9. The front yard is sometimes called the "public area" because of the direct view the public has to what your yard contains. On the contrary, the back yard is considered the "private area", and is usually where you set up shop.  I guess it's up to you whether you want your private area and your public area to share the same space, and depends on whether or not you care that your private life is visible to the public.

  10. I don't know about normal...I personally think all that stuff belongs in the backyard.  I can understand having a couple chairs out on the front porch or something, but not a table, multiple chairs, umbrella, kiddie pool, etc in the front yard.

  11. I think that if you live out in the "country" and have a massive front yard, then it might be okay to do that....but here where I am, I don't know anyone who "sets up shop" in their front yard-and it would be rather weird to see! I can understand if you've got a bench and a few chairs, maybe a small "side" table on your front porch (if it's big enough) but not just out in the yard. Everyone has their patios and tables, fire pits, etc in their backyards rather than in the front-much more privacy in the back!

  12. That's what hillbillies do. The best thing to do is go over there and start browsing. When they approach, say, "It's sure is a good day for a garage sale". Hopefully they get the point.

  13. it takes time to acclimate from the trailer park.    

  14. I think Jeff Foxworthy would call your neighbors,....


  15. In my neighborhood the only time that people set stuff out front is when it's somewhat of a neighborhood get together. If all of the kids from the neighborhood are going to go swimming then sometimes it will be in the front yard. Slip-and-slides go in the front yard because it slopes. But everyone around me has their patio furniture on their patio, in the backyard. I think it's kind of like if it's a private affair it's in the back and if it's free for all it's in the front.  

  16. nobody in my neighborhood does that... seems weird to me  

  17. My neighborhood is super strict on this. I remember when I was 8, me and some other kids set up a juice stand. I left it there for the night and it was gone in the morning! Little a******s, i just wanted to make some money!

    But the only time im chilling in my front yard is if I'm washing my car or something. My neighbors are waaaay to nosy and gossipy.  

  18. HOW RUDE!!! Do they pee with door open too!

  19. That's hysterical J. I personally am a very quiet person who doesn't like drawing attention to myself too much so I keep everything in my backyard, neat and tidy.

    BUT, I went to my girlfriends house a couple months ago, she had invited us over for dinner. So here I go with my kids ( hubby was working) and she has the patio table right in the middle of the front lawn! I was like "oh my lord"...I sat down ( feeling a bit uncomfortable ) but you know what? It was the best night ever! We ate, drank Alize and had a blast!! Nobody at that table gave a rats a$$ what anyone thought as they drove by. We were laughing and drinking and playing games all night....right there on the front lawn!! Yep, we were living it up like the rednecks we talk about!

    I would never personally set up shop on the front lawn, but you know what, as long as you're not hurting anyone, you should just do what you want and have fun. That same night my girls had a ball playing with her children....bouncing on the trampoline ( which was on the front lawn too ), collecting frogs and just running after chickens! So if it's considered white trash or redneck to have your furniture on the front be it!!  

  20. Have you seen their backyard? Maybe they have so much stuff in the backyard that they have to "set up shop" in the front yard.

    We all have those weirdo neighbors lol!

  21. We live in the country, and even though we do, we have our patio furniture and pit bbq in the back yard......

    we have some neighbors down the farm road, that all the neighbors got together and ask them to clean up the front yard, they had a grill out there and it was rocks only and trash from cooking all around it, and then had a recliner by the patio furniture and just junk all around the front of the house, and its a really nice place too,,,,,,the mother passed and the son and his wife took over the place, it was a junk yard till, all went to them and educated how it looked, as if they did not know...but in his defense, they cleaned it up really nice and took all to the back yard.

    maybe, just maybe, this would work with your neighbors, just talk to some of the folks in the neighborhood and see if you call can maybe ask them to clean up will improve the property value, not to mention, would be nice to drive by it again.

    some people, just dont understand how bad it can make a place look and will drive down the value of the neighborhood.

    just talk to them if you can.

    but, again, some people do not care....

  22. I my town, people do what they want.

    Nobody complains and it is a place everyone wishes they lived..Quaint coastal fishing, tourist town.

    I was thinking about the streets..Yep, some live in the front yard and others in the back. Lots of Driftwood, fish nets, crabtraps, carved redwood furniture, nautical floats hanging on the fences. Oooodles of flowers blooming all year long..I think it is attractive.

    I guess it all depends on the habits of the region.

    Perhaps those people are from another region where it was acceptable.

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