
Do people know or feel when they are jealous?

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of other ppl, for example some ppl just dont like ppl but to start trouble with a person for no reason and everybody saying it's jealousy why dont I buy that jealousy c**p. (girl at my job, hate me for NO REASON!!! I THINK)

Is jealousy/envy really real, and do you think ppl will ever get over it or would it stay with a person as long as they around that person like say if someone jealous of you at work or school wont they be jealous the whole time you there.




  1. when im jealos i sortta get mad at the person but try to hide it

  2. You know if your jealous when you just get this weird feeling right about were your heart is. sometimes it feels fluttery.

    but maybe its different for some people.

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