
Do people know that Stalin was Georgian NOT Russian?

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Stalin had killed at least 30 million Russians when Georgian criminals took over the Russian government.




  1. Yes, I knew. And I wonder how it can be possible that the descendants of Pontians Greeks who had been exiled massively by him, support Georgians now.

    Is it that they are not Greeks but Georgian immigrants in Greece, "baptized" Greeks by the former greek government which needed their votes?

    The way that the athlete Kahi Kahiasvili became "Greek" overnight....

  2. I don't know  if people know, but I know  he was born in Georgia-his name was Joseph Sakashwilli  and in  the KC work also his brother and  his wife made suicade.

  3. Yes we do. Give me a break, Stalin killed Georgians too, what difference does it make? He might be Georgian by birth and might have had a heavy Georgian accent but that doesn't mean half of the Bolsheviks were Georgian and the other half were conspirator Jews. I know many people are upset with Georgian politics nevertheless, that's no reason to fly off the hook and take on the airs a scientist who's just uncovered a huge secret -DID YOU KNOW STALIN WAS A GEORGIAN? WOW-, as if Stalin's Georgian roots are the key to all the international affairs of today-.


    Stalin wasn't a Jew as most of the bogus sites on the internet like to claim, he attended  Gori Church School and Tiflis Orthodox Theological Seminary to train as a priest and both of his parents were Christians. It is Lenin whose mother or more correctly, whose grandfather was a Jew.

  4. Yes, I think most people know that he was Georgian. Not sure what you're trying to prove though...

  5. Yes I knew. His family name was Dzougasvili, and he was of Jewish origin, as it results form the specific surname.

  6. I was studing the sovietic revolution in the last year, and yes, Stalin was from Georgia

  7. Yes, I knew that. He killed many Ukrainians and other nationalities of the Soviet Union too. He killed his political rivals. Communism was going to have another historical evolution if it wasn't for Stalin, one of the greatest criminals of the 20th century.

  8. Yes, I do. Not only that, but it was also Stalin who ordered Abkhazia and South Ossetia incorporated into the Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic (Its current name is Democratic Republic of Georgia). Otherwise, Abkhazia and South Ossetia would be under the sovereignty of the Russian Federation today.

  9. Yep knew that, funny how things turn out.

  10. well now i know. =P

  11. I knew he was Georgian and that there was alot of ethnic cleansing in the soviet union

  12. Yes.

    Not all were Georgians though. For example Mikhail Kalinin, who "technically" had more power than Stalin, was Russian.  

  13. I DO ,  he even spoke with Georgian accent/  

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