
Do people not realize that Obama is WAY more Arabic than black???

by  |  earlier

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The name Barack is Arabic and 'Baraka' (from which Barack came) means 'blessed' in that language. Hussein is also Arabic and so is Obama.

Barack Hussein Obama is not half black. If elected, he would be the first Arab-American President, not the first black President. Barack Hussein Obama is 50% Caucasian from his mother's side and 43.75% Arabic and 6.25% African ***** from his father's side. While Barack Hussein Obama's father was from Kenya , his father's family was mainly Arabs.. Barack Hussein Obama's father was only 12.5% African ***** and 87.5% Arab (his father's birth certificate even states he's Arab, not African *****).

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  1. What worries me more is his white half being part of the Bush & Cheney family:

  2. His nationality bothers me less than him having a dual citizenship, if he in fact does. Where would his loyalties actually lay?

    Either way, I don't support any of the "front runners".

  3. Sigh,  Will this never end?

    Listen, Barrack is just a name.  I could name my kid Tinkerbell but she still wouldn't be a Fairy.

    Barrack is just a name. He didn't choose it anymore than you chose your name.  Furthermore, he didn't choose to be born male or to be born black. What he did choose to do is become an outstanding member of society and a great Senator.  He chose to be a great lawyer for the poor instead of the rich and he chose to be a FAITHFUL husband, which is better than McCain, Clinton, Gingrich, or Edwards.

    Who cares if his name is Bobobobobobo. He is a good man.

  4. Wow.  So we should have the elderly confused befuddled old man with the bad temper be our President instead.  Good call, that will work out real well, I'm sure.

  5. And the non-racist point is?

    P.S. I actually decided to check up on what you were claiming. Your link takes me to a page for free ringtones.

    Obama's father was a black Kenyan who converted to Islam. You seem to be confusing being a Muslim with being an ethnic Arab. Here is a picture of his father:

    The stupidity of this question is really overwhelming.

  6. And what's your politics question?

  7. NOPE, sorry we don't realize it - nor do we care about it!

  8. Nice try but Bull Sh_t doesn't fly it just sits on the ground and decays

    wow kinda like the republican brain

  9. Your link doesn't work. Coincidence, I take it?

  10. Meh, who cares what color he is.

    We are all in this together in the end, his pedigree is of no improtance.

    The fact is John McCain would be a continuation of 8 years of failed policies.

  11. Well they want to keep that a secret you see, as people would be frightened that we the U;S.A. are nominating an Arab who at one time was a Muslim as a possible President of the U.S.!  Is that shocking?  I am not racist, as I would have probably given Colin Powell a chance, but this clown?  Not in a million years.  He thinks he is the Messiah, the Second Coming of Christ and if he gets in, you will see all the rogue governments and Al Quida cheer him into office and approve of his election...Scary isn't it? What does that tell you..that we will be a government of appeasement.  Dessimation of our military and some of our freedoms taken away from us.   But the U.S.A. always has to learn the hard way, so we shall see if this clown gets in...My wish is that McCain wipes the floor with him at the debates and he gets beat bad and goes home to Chicago with his tail between his legs never to be heard from again...This is a nightmare...Go McCain 08

  12. Obama is Kenyan, not Arabic.  FACT.

    Mine is Dutch and yours?

    Great!  Let's celebrate.

  13. And did you know he's Martian, too? And Russian? And communist? And fascist? And <put your own slander here>? Oh, and racist - unlike this question, of course!

    Let's really get the slime machine going!  Those lies are just about as good as yours...

    And what a well-known, reliable and newsworthy source you give too! Solid as the Library of Congress! How could anyone ever doubt it?

  14. Well his grandfather was the 1st to convert to Islam so thats ridiculous. His paternal grandparents were born Christians. Don't believe everything you read. Kareem Abdul Jabbar was really more muslim than black too, right? Mohammed Ali? Mike Tyson?  

  15. Kenya is not an Arab country and Obama is not an Arab or even Muslim name.  Bigotry is bad enough but coupling it with complete ignorance is really pathetic.

  16. And your point is??????Black is not a race it is a color.We sons and daughters  of former slaves don't know if we are part Arab or Christian ancestry.Is it better to be black,Arab,or Christian?Or is all that matters is you be White?????

  17. And?

  18. I love to research people I LOVE too!


    And for the serious folks out there I was j/k.

    That still wouldn't and shouldn't sway someones vote.

  19. He sounds American.


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