
Do people not really sense the difference between Palin and Obama?

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When Obama speaks, he's quite the orator. He is eloquent and well-practiced. I applaud him for it. Palin also speaks quite eloquently, but there's a huge difference. Regardless of how well Obama speaks, all I am hearing is a power hungry politician with a sinister agenda. Palin emits a wonderful sense of trust and has quite the fighter's spirit. She talks of what she's proven she can do, whereas Obama speaks in glittering generalities of what he will (maybe?) do. She is a true leader. She's proven that. She presents a grace that many are unable to see since she is a true woman who supports life. Truth is all that comes from her mouth. She is a leader, not a politician, and that makes all the difference for me.




  1. I'm not voting for speeches...but its're free to

  2. Of course they do.  Don't kid yourself.  Palin has been a professional politician for more than 10 years.

    Truth is NOT all that comes out of her mouth.  In her FIRST chance to speak to a national audience she told a ridiculous lie, saying she didn't support the "bridge to nowhere".  She was absolutely in favor of it UNTIL Stevens was ridiculed for it, then she suddenly dropped her support of it.

  3. Sarah Palin vs. Barack Obama

    By Gerard Baker

    Democrats, between sniggers of derision and snorts of disgust, contend that Sarah Palin, John McCain's vice-presidential pick is ridiculously unqualified to be president.

    It's a reasonable objection on its face except for this small objection: it surely needs to be weighed against the Democrats' claim that their own candidate for president is self-evidently ready to assume the role of most powerful person on the planet.

    At first blush, here's what we know about the relative experience of the two candidates. Both are in their mid-forties and have held statewide elective office for less than four years. Both have admitted to taking illegal drugs in their youth.

    So much for the similarities. How about the differences?

    Political experience

    Obama: Worked his way to the top by cultivating, pandering to and stroking the most powerful interest groups in the all-pervasive Chicago political machine, ensuring his views were aligned with the power brokers there.

    Palin: Worked her way to the top by challenging, attacking and actively undermining the Republican party establishment in her native Alaska. She ran against incumbent Republicans as a candidate willing and able to clean the Augean Stables of her state's government.

    Political Biography

    Obama: A classic, if unusually talented, greasy-pole climber. Held a succession of jobs that constitute the standard route to the top in his party's internal politics: "community organizer", law professor, state senator.

    Palin:A woman with a wide range of interests in a well-variegated life. Held a succession of jobs - sports journalist, commercial fisherwoman, state oil and gas commissioner, before entering local politics. A resume that suggests something other than burning political ambition from the cradle but rather the sort of experience that enables her to understand the concerns of most Americans..

    Political history

    Obama: Elected to statewide office only after a disastrous first run for a congressional seat and after his Republican opponent was exposed in a sexual scandal. Won seat eventually in contest against a candidate who didn't even live in the state.

    Palin: Elected to statewide office by challenging a long-serving Republican incumbent governor despite intense opposition from the party.


    Obama: A very attractive speaker whose celebrity has been compared to that of Britney Spears and who sends thrills up Chris Matthews' leg

    Palin: A very attractive woman, much better-looking than Britney Spears who speaks rather well too. She sends thrills up the leg of Rush Limbaugh (and me).

    Executive experience

    Obama: Makes executive decisions every day that affect the lives of his campaign staff and a vast crowd of traveling journalists

    Palin:Makes executive decisions every day that affect the lives of 500,000 people in her state, and that impact crucial issues of national economic interest such as the supply and cost of energy to the United States.

    Religious influences

    Obama: Regards people who "cling" to religion and guns as "bitter" . Spent 20 years being mentored and led spiritually by a man who proclaimed "God d**n America" from his pulpit. Mysteriously, this mentor completely disappeared from public sight about four months ago.

    Palin: Head of her high school Fellowship of Christian Athletes and for many years a member of the Assemblies of God congregation whose preachers have never been known to accuse the United States of deliberately spreading the AIDS virus. They remain in full public sight and can be seen every Sunday in churches across Alaska. A proud gun owner who has been known to cling only to the carcasses of dead caribou felled by her own aim.

    Record of bipartisan achievement

    Obama: Speaks movingly of the bipartisanship needed to end the destructive politics of "Red America" and "Blue America", but votes in the Senate as a down-the-line Democrat, with one of the most liberal voting records in congress.

    Palin: Ridiculed by liberals such as John Kerry as a crazed, barely human, d**k Cheney-type conservative but worked wit Democrats in the state legislature to secure landmark anti-corruption legislation.

    Former state Rep. Ethan Berkowitz - a Democrat - said. "Gov. Palin has made her name fighting corruption within her own party, and I was honored when she stepped across party lines and asked me to co-author her ethics white paper."

    On Human Life

    Obama: Devoutly pro-choice. Voted against a bill in the Illinois state senate that would have required doctors to save the lives of babies who survived abortion procedures. The implication of this position is that babies born prematurely during abortions would be left alone, unnourished and unmedicated, until they died.

    Palin: Devoutly pro-life. Exercised the choice proclaimed by liberals to bring to full term a baby that had been diagnosed in utero with Down S

  4. The difference is that Obama is running for President, unlike Palin, who was chosen to run as the Vice President to McCain. So that's the difference.  

  5. About that truth, she claims that the founding fathers wrote the Pledge of Allegiance (the would have to live to an average age of 190 to do so).   She is a Creationist, which means that she denies virtually all scientific evidence to the contrary, but she loves oil (but wait, didn't that come from ancient (millions of years old) decomposing organic material (bodies, vegetation, c**p, etc., ya know, future fossils.)  

    So, her beliefs can be described briefly as medieval blended well with denial.  Essentially information-challenged.

    Does she thus qualify to be VP or (Lord, save us) P?


  6. Somebody has a crush...That is not great speakin' boy , that's the hots.

    Don't be embarrassed. I had a French teacher like that. Couldn't understand a word she said but man did she talk purdy.

  7. What has Palin proven that she can govern a city of 9,000?

    Or a state with 1/5th the population of Chicago?

    You hear in Obama what you want to hear or maybe you are not listening. When he spoke on race did you comprehend. When he spoke on his views of what America is now and what it could be did you listen.

    What is wrong with being liberal?  It is deriverived from the Greek Liber which means "Free not a Slave". It is associated with the concept of liberty. We all love liberty. Liberal means that individual liberty is the most important political goal.

    It is obvious that you are a conservative but in Palin I see a hypocrite.

    What has Palin done?

    What has she accomplished?

    I was class president over 2300 students in my freshman college class do I now have executive experience?

    Maybe if she was more of a leader in her home her 17 year old daughter wouldnt be knocked up and ther wouldnt be picture of Bristol on the internet boozing it up.

    Look at all the revelations coming out about her?

    You have made an assessment of her character based on what?

    We still do not know this women it has been five days come on.

    BTW: Abraham Lincoln who was a Republican was once considered Liberal. So as fair as your founding father premise it has no merrit. Also Jefferson was also considered liberal for is time when we consider he words " We hold these truths to be self evident that all men were created equal" this also refered to the then institution of slavery.

    The founding fathers were sexist as I recall they never intended for women to participate in government. Women could not vote remember. Palin definitely would not be what the founding fathers envisioned. So your point is moot?

    Your premise is laughable. LOL

    BTW: What choice did Bristol have? The dignity to not abort.

    Abortion is a personal private matter.Again, this is hypocritical.

    According to MSNBC, Gov. Palin has said that keeping the baby was her daughter's own decision. Really? In 2006, Gov. Palin said that she would not support abortion even in the case of her own daughter becoming pregnant from rape. I could be wrong, but I'm guessing that there wasn't much discussion about all of Bristol's legal options when she told her parents about her pregnancy.

  8. Exactly........Obama is an extremely gifted speaker......which means squat! There is an arrogance about him that makes him seem untrustworthy. He always says what needs to be done but seldom says what he will do........oh yes, he skirts the issues quite well when he doesn't have a written speech in front of him.

    BTW.......I am an undecided voter. McCain scares me a bit too. Jury is still out on Palin.

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