
Do people not think its unfair that europe is getting worse versions/models of the PS3 then america is?

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Hi , I live in Ireland and I think its really unfair the way america got the PS3 first and they got 2 models, the 20GB and the 60GB and they both included the PS2's emotion engine chip, so then it comes over to europe a couple of months later and we only get the 60GB model and it only has the graphics synthezizer and no emotion engine and its the exact same as the americans 80GB model only with less memory so we get less ps2 compatibility and never getb the chance for full ps2 compatibility or to buy a cheaper 20GB model, then america's 20GB and 60GB are discontinued and as a replacment they get the 80GB model which is exactly like europes 60GB model so they still get to have ps2 compatibility, then europes 60GB gets discontinued but instead of us getting an 80GB model we get a 40GB model with no ps2 compatibility,no super audio CD support,no chrome trim, or no flash card readers and now on the 22nd of august europe's finally getting an 80GB model but its going to be the exact same as the 40GB model, sony confirmed only with a larger hard drive sony confirmed WHICH I THINK IS COMPLETELY UNFAIR, i'm really annoyed about this the way Europe keeps on getting the leftovers or back end of things and america gets everything, SO I WAS JUST WONDERING IS THERE ANYBODY OUT THERE WHO AGREE'S WITH ME?




  1. America is like the test rat for Europe though. They see how things go here in America so they can make adjustments where they are needed. People everywhere in America were complaining about how expensive the PS3 was so Sony made cuts so the prices could drop a little. Sony was losing money on every system in production up until the holidayy season last year. After the MGS4 bundle is discontinued we will only have the 80gb with no b/c and the 40gb as well. So we'll all have the same thing. I have the original 60gb from launch and my brother has an 80gb from last year and every PS2 game out of my 150+ game collection has worked on his PS3 so theres not that big of a difference to get upset about. Sony uses America for these types of tests because there is such a large demographic to study and adjust to.

    Point it man just get a PS3 and have fun gaming. No sence in getting all worked up about it. I was a little upset when I spent $599 on a 60gb PS3 then 6 months later they release a 80gb PS3 for $499.... its business though man... get over it.

  2. do you think its unfair that america is getting worse versions/models of the ps3 then japan is?

    just enjoy your ps3

  3. That's because America is one of the primary markets for Playstations. We are in secondary market (PAL territories). We are getting weaker versions for more money. That's really annoying and discriminating. Why Hong Kong and US are having everything and we aren't. Where I live (Moscow, Russia) 40GB PS3 is 590$! 60GB (still left here) is 885$! I managed to get one from US with 2 games (including shipping) for 900$ (60GB). Still cheaper. When US 60GB (PS2's CPU installed) was on sale in US for 600$, PAL 60GB (no PS2's CPU installed) costed more than 1000$ here! If you can - get one from Japan, Hong Kong. It's even cheaper in there.

    EDIT: Lbp182, US is the best version, Japanese has one more network option, but (due to Japanese laws) some games won't display blood at all. :-)

  4. well i live in america...and i agree with you that i would be angry if i lived in europe or something. I do think its unfair because we recently got the 80gb mgs4 bundle and europe didnt even get it. i felt sad for them. I really think sony should be fair to Europe. I mean i wouldnt like it if Europe got better things than America so i agree with you.

  5. Yea i live in America and I think its unfair not just Europe but Australia too. but also I think its unfair that Japan gets better things  than America like the white and silver PS3 also they release some  games earlier than any country. They also get different bundles.

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