
Do people on YA actually follow what is going on politically or do they just pick someone based on hearsay?

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Do people on YA actually follow what is going on politically or do they just pick someone based on hearsay?




  1. I think the majority on here are ignoring their civic duty to be aware of what they are voting for.  I think most of them are clueless about how much politics can hurt them.

  2. I do.  But I have a question for you: Is that a rhetorical question, or do you have a point?

  3. Most don't have a clue.  They take sound-bites from the Daily Show with John Stewart and think that's the news.  I am very confident that less than 10% even have a remote idea of how our government & economy are supposed to work or even remotely try to research issues before they open their yapper.

  4. Its a mix, this is summer, many of the posters are off of school and think its an amusing way to p**s people off.

  5. I think many people on ya don't have a clue what's going on politically, they hear one thing and repeat it as an answer to 50 questions. Obama supporters don't even answer questions, they just spout out random things about hope and change. I think very few people in our country actually examine both sides of the issues and make an informed decision. I am a conservative but listen to all media to make my decisions, which minus talk radio pretty much is liberal.

  6. " Bomb, bomb,bomb" I am listening.

  7. Depends on the poster.

  8. Well I follow what's going on politically (always have) - can't speak for everyone else.

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