
Do people protest outside your mosque?

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I went to a mosque I had never been to before last Friday with some friends. When we were leaving there was a group of Christians holding up signs and giving out Christian literature (I assume that's what it was, though I didn't take any). I was really shocked - how tacky and rude! So is this type of thing a common occurrence?




  1. Invite them in, and to Islam!

  2. No that never happens at my masjid.

    do they know anything about the 1st amendment?

  3. Oh yeah how rude and tacky!  You must be so upset.  It's almost as bad as Muslims protesting cartoons and teddy bears and calling for the death of a teacher!  I bet those rotten Christians burned some cars and made death threats just like the Muslims, huh?  Any homicide bombings happen?  

  4. in Pakistani most of barelvi and deoband do  because thay are stupid  

  5. No, I have never seen that happen in the UK.

  6. That is why I hate religion. Pointless fighting over who's imaginary friend is real.

  7. No, I haven't went to one like mom is THE BIGGEST PROTESTER when it comes to ISLAM!!!

  8. I've never seen or heard of anything like that around here. Other religions pretty much keep to themselves and it's quite peaceful, by the grace of Allah. Just occasional cases of door-to-door people.

  9. nope  

  10. Nope never heard of it.. and it doesn't happen here

    However, people do come up to Muslims with hijabs and say things you couldn't imagine. Its disgusting and i pray for Allah (swt) to help them all clear the ignorance out of their hearts.

    Much Peace & Love!


  11. After 9/11, yeah, for a few weeks. Then again when some crazy guy went on a jew killing spree. that was very sad...but he was in no way a real Muslim, he had some serious mental issues too. Nothing really violent, just signs and anti-Islamic literature. The Mosque my husband went to in New York was spray paineted all over...but that was a few years ago.  

  12. No, never happened!!  

  13. I once went to the mosque on a friday and the imam told everybody that there were christians outside that were handing out papers because they wanted us to become christians. He told us not to take the papers so we didn't we just ignored them. We muslims don't do these kinds of things but we do welcome anybody into our religion.

  14. I'm an Ahmadi Muslim.  In Pakistan Muslims who are non Ahmadi protest outside our mosques.  They go as far as to wipe off Kalima Shahada from the entrance of our Mosques and have burned down many as well.  

    In Indonesia recently 5 mosques were burned down.  Similarly in Bangladesh.

    Our response is patience and peace, just as the Prophet (sa) taught.

    May Allah haver mercy on those who oppress others, and strengthen all those who are oppressed, insha'allah.

    love for all, hatred for none

  15. i've never seen something like this in any of the mosques (in canada) that i have been in before... that's weird and i agree it's rude:(

  16. Christians protest all sorts of things. It's disrespectful !i

  17. Nope, not at all, well at least all the Mosques I went to

    And theres also church right across it too! Lol

    But those people outside are very rude, and should just stay around their Church, do they see us around their Churchs?

  18. I bet they were those crazy Racial OAPs.

    Can somebody say viagra..? Spice up the bedroom so they have sometthing worthwile to do.  

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