
Do people???

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Do people look at you funny when you walk into a supermarket or any other public place with horse poo on your boots, mud smeared on your face, hay in your hair, a horse hair ring on your butt and a funny smell surounding you??




  1. Heck, I got funny looks at Broken Horn when I'd come in there shopping for my horseys dressed like that.

    I remember asking Walter Delabrose about the real difference between Crosby, Crump and Hermes when it came to close contact saddles at Broken Horn and was lectured about NOT going to Bev. Hills, where a Hermes shop is located attired as I normally was when I walked in Broken Horn (Boots, jeans and bandana!).

    It's funny, the colour of your money sure doesn't seem to make a difference when you're spending it.  I remember walking around the Puente Hills Mall back in the 70's (That's where the Back To The Future parking lot scene was filmed.) with my buddy Coral and commenting how we couldn't find a pair of western boots in the whole mall.  About a month later, Urban Cowboy hit the theaters and then they were all over the place!

    Thoroughout the decades, I run around in boots and jeans, sometimes, they smell like horse, sometimes they don't smell too horsey, but that's me.  I don't really get weird looks anymore, guess it's become part of the industry and not as rare.

  2. hahaha yes at the beginning they totally did! once an old lady stepped away from me! the thing is i don't know if people are gettin used to us or i'm getting used to their looks lol

  3. Usually I take a whiff of the air and say "OMG, is that me? There's NO way I smell like sweat and BO with a layer of poo ontop."

    After a few minutes of people avoiding me, my inner hermit says, woohoo! And I accept that yeah, my new name is Pigpen.

  4. I think I'm considered one of the more 'normal' people...

    Where I live, there is an abundance of hippies, transients, and downright strange people in town.  Picture it...dreadlocks on 70 year old women that go down to her knees.  *She smells bad too*  People wearing flip flops with toenails and feet that just HAVE to have thrush!!  Dirty dirty people with manners to match.

    Don't have to worry about hoity toity people here....yet.  But the California transplants are coming and buying the land around here.

    If they look at me funny...who cares...I've got horses and they don't...neener neener neener....The only people who react that way...are either jealous or scared of horses.

    **EDIT...ooooo lookie!  The 'tweenie troll' is making her rounds!!  What a sad little person!!

  5. Where we are, that is the dress code.  Besides, since the time I was a kid we went to restaurants or ??? covered in blood, p**p, etc.  when we were out of town working/shipping cattle where we did not have a place to clean up.  We would of course wash our hands & faces, but the rest......

  6. That happens to me all the time, it's so hard to find clothes in my house that isn't covered in horse, dog, or cat.  Try to explain to people as to why you have whips and leather chaps in your backseat especially when the people aren't horse people lol.  I've gotten some crazy looks by people that have to walk past me after I've either finished riding or workin at my barn.  Someone once tried to spray me with Febreeze while I was in Wal-Mart, sprayed it right back at her lol.  She wasn't too happy bout that.  Funny times, the best time is when you just finish workin and it's pouring rain.  You are covered in mud from head to toe and the hay and shavings just stick to you.  You end up trackin all the horse poo that is on your boots all over the store and just wait for other people to step on it lol.  Gotta love being horse freaks.  :]

  7. LOL!! I have a story for this!

    I just got finished mucking and riding all day out at the barn and my daughter asked me to take her to Best Buy... I was completely horse-i-fied.... The whole shebang. Dirty, smelly wearing my nastiest paddock boots... Looked like i took a bath in horse manure.. LOL

    I waited outside the store and let her run in to get what she needed. A women walked up to me and handed me five dollars... I looked at her funny and asked why she gave me the money. She said, "its okay just take it." I said "no thank you..." and she repeated "just take it... It must be hard huh?" I was thinking "What is this lady talking about?!....She must be crazy".... Then she said "it must really be tough not having a place to live...Just take it and at least get yourself something to eat"....

    I laughed and told her I wasn't homeless... I just had horses. LOL


    Kevin, I would've kept the money but after I told her I wasn't homeless she took her offer back... LOL. From now on if someone mistakes me for a homeless person and offers me money, I'm just going to play along with it!!..haha


    LOL I know E... That was the last one! Just had to answer!! hehe heading to bed now...

  8. I have to admit that is something I will play on. A busy shopping day with packed aisles and the trollies just part to let me and my smell wander through. Works like a charm so if I happen to be in a hurry....... I think my reflective jacket helps too. I have had people actually jump out of my way and a store employee nearly ran into me and then dashed off apologising

  9. Im 15 so people my age look at EVERYONE funny.

    Other than that though, yeah people give me funny looks occasionally. Whatever.... I have Jazz they have their nasty children.

  10. LOL no i change shoe but tonight we went to some dance thing for my niece and i feed hay before we left and the lady behind me pulled hay out of my hair...She has horses to and thought she would help me out LOL.

  11. I get the worse looks when I go to a store in my english riding pants with tall boots on!

  12. I used to go all over like that, and I figured if somebody didn't like it, they could stay away.  Once I became a mom it became an embarrassing mom issue to such a degree that I finally compromised and carried clean outerwear, and boots or shoes in my car at all times just in case.  They would actually spray body spray on my hair before we went in anywhere.  I didn't dare show up at their schools like that unless I wanted to be compared to the escaped mental hospital patient bag ladies.

  13. Yeah, they do I just look at them, one guy said Hey look its messy girl and started laughing about my boots and my hair with hay so I said "Well look at what your wearing, wait whats that on your butt? Oh wait thats your face!"

  14. i went in to pay my cell phone bill in the city last week(for some reason they don't put one in the country) anyway i was standing in line looking my usual way and smelling just as bad from working cattle when i noticed the woman who was in front of me had a cat (long haired white cat in a soft sided cat carrier)so i didn't pay any attention to her or her cat when i over heard someone behind me ask what that smell was,so me being self conscious i look down and sneak a sniff of my shirt turn around and sheepishly say "it must be me",the guy and girl standing behind me in line both go"it must be the cat because we have horses too".funny thing is when the cat lady left they couldnt smell it anymore(i cant smell anything)

  15. There is no aroma I love more than the smell of a horse and there is no combination of aromas which smells more wonderful than a horse barn. The aroma you carry from your horse and barn would certainly get my attention in a public place but it would be a wink and a smile.

  16. Everybodies stories are so funny! Many times I've had to shopping in my english horse clothes and boy do I get the comments. The classic at the grocery store is "shouldn't you be at the carrots?". At check out I often get asked what kind of horse I have. I say what ever breed I have at the moment and they all go "never heard of it" even if it's a quarter horse or thoroughbred! Or else they say "I had a horse once" or I rode a horse when I was little"...hehe. You just have to go along with it. : ) It's just funny.

  17. You make all that sound like a bad thing! =}

    You mean your not supposed to walk around as proud as a Pea c**k look'en and smell'en that way? Oops!

  18. Katie that was cute answer.

    and who cares what people think, you love your horse and sometimes, you just don't have time to run to the shower and get all fixed up before you have to run out to do some shopping.

    if they don't like the smell, let them walk down another isle,

    if they like the mud on your face, too bad, they can turn their heads..

    if they don't like the fact, our jeans have hole in them, then wiggle it down an isle a little more for them, ha ha

    and finally if you have p**p on your boots, too bad, just make sure you taint leaving any tracks behind you.

    I had to run to the grocery fast one afternoon, hubby was having friends come for a cook out and called me at last minute to tell me, whoa....

    so, I left the barn and took off to get more ribs for the grill, and did not even notice, that I had not  taken the wet wipe out of my back pocket, really, and when I got to the store, it looked like I had yes, tinkle in my pants....and everyone was watching me as I walked past...It was so funny, I told the clerk at checkout, I spilled tea in the car, she said oh okay.

    but who cared, not me.

  19. haven't particularily noticed it but I'm lucky in that although I live in a city, it's very small and it's quite common to see tractors going through the city centre and there's livestock auctions in town etc.

  20. yeah i get funny looks too, i think the funniest time was i when i got dressed up to go out, and i did look tidy and clean, i had new clothes on and everything for this ocasion, anywho i was driving down the road and saw one of my the horses out again (he had a habbit of getting out of his paddock) so i pull over and called out to him he comes up running to me, the ground was abit muddy so when he stopped of course some mud got on my new white shoes and legs, and leading him back i stepped in p**p, so i tied him in, and gave him a biscut of hay that was in the boot, as i threw it over the fence of course i was standing down wind from it, so it flew on me, but i got back to the car and drove to my flash dinner hoping i had the hay outta my hair and clothes (my friend pulled some out) and she looked at my shoes horrified, so i had to change shoes, what pair did i have in the back

    my stinky work boots, lolz people were smiling at me saying how dressed up i looked then scanned down to my shoes and laughed

    but i love going to the supermarket people get out of my way lol and my sister doesnt come near me out in town she follows like 3metres away so shes not seen with me lolz shes not horsey at all

  21. lol i have lost so many friends because they haven't wanted to be around me and my funky smell and adventurous chaff hay and horse p**p couture

  22. Zig.........LOLOLOl, I still laugh at that story!!!!! Like I said you should have taken the money!!!  I especially get those looks when i go into Cub for a few things still wearing spurs...he he he

  23. Thats why god invented piggin strings. HAHA

    I'm sure some people do, but you know what, who cares. If a woman walked up to me and smelled like horse, I would probably hit on her. HAHA.

    Edit- Ziggy thats funny. I guess they all think we are all a bunch of hobo's. Thats fine, expecialy if they give me money for looking like homless person.

  24. Not on the horsey-side of town, though on the other end, I get looked at a little.

    One time, I was picking up some film I'd dropped off at Target, and I was COVERED in dirt from head to toe, as I'd given my horse a bath outside, and then gone walking through all the sand/dirt, etc. I was filthy from riding, from the dirt, and wet from the bath. When I went to pay for my film, I pulled out a five from my jeans pocket [and it too, was wet]. When I handed it to the lady, she looked at my funny, then looked at the money and asked if I had pulled it out of a washing machine. I said "no, I was just giving my horse a bath", and she laughed at me. But hey, she should have seen that one coming when she was developing my film--it had nothing on it but my horse! :)
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