
Do people realise that not everyone is scared of death? Or is this their idea of tasteless humour?

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I've just been told I am going to die young because I am g*y...

EXACT QUOTE: "The life span for a man with AIDS is =39 years and a Man without AIDS in this type of lifestyle is = 41 years, WOW 3 more years.not a good average over a man (heterosexual) able to average live up to 80+ years. If we obey God's Laws and in doing so we are not asking for trouble(D+evil=Devil)."





  1. God assures the salvation of all..  There is no h**l and no sin in God's eyes..   If everyone knew God's truth there  would be no fear of death by anyone.  .It is my opinion that a g*y lifestyle is a poor choice but not  a sin..   Read the truth concerning this matter in the Conversations with God books by Neale Donald Walsch..   God bless.

  2. that's an example of stupid dark age moralization, science give no reason.... NONE... as to why a person would have a shorter life span due to what type of person they are attracted or how they stimulate their reproductive organs.

  3. I am Bi and I am brave about it. I cannot honestly say that I am not scared at all. I am promised eternal life, so death is nothing. There are some, I think, who are really scared but are too foolish to acknowledge it.

  4. im not afraid but im not g*y!

  5. have you also been told that your are immuned from car accidents, lighting strikes, house fires and tsunamis

  6. That is hate propaganda.  Totally made up to give umphf to a bigoted agenda.

    You're good.  Carry on and live a long happy life.

  7. There are some nasty people out there.

    You can guarantee most of them SAY they're Christians BUT, in reality, they're just hypocritical small-minded fundie.

    We adults do not count them as part of humanity.


  8. If you are not worried by the comment, then I wouldn't give it any further thought.

    After all, you probably know the writer doesn't have very good information, and you also know that you are not going to change his or her mind (using the term loosely), no matter what you do, so there's not any reason to give the matter any further attention.

    It's sad, but it is what it is.

    If being g*y shortens one's life, then I guess someone forgot to tell Lenny and Aaron Copeland, both of whom lived very long lives (it was cigarettes that did Lenny in. DON'T SMOKE!!).

  9. If you buy into anything someone tells you, including life span, you are in bondage.

  10. Actually, the average man gets to be 74.1 years.

    If you select g*y men who do risky behaviors, yes, it's shorter--this is because "risky behaviors" include alcohol and drug abuse. Christian statistics compilers excuse themselves for this misguidance by calling it the "homosexual lifestyle," bless their deceitful little hearts.

    Observe the homophobic second link, or, better yet, don't give them the hit count. :D But it's there if you want it.

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