
Do people realize were killing our Earth?

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How many people realize we need to save the earth?

I wish people would realize were killing animals, plants, and us.

Without the earth we are nothing, were gone dead, nothing!

I want your guys opinions, oh and anything on the matter of peace! Global warming is going to be our fate, help the world of turn of unneeded power, power comes from power plants witch realease harmful ethalen gasses into the air witch destroy our ozone layer witch is the reason for global warming!





  1. YES!!!

    Global warming is HERE

    and its getting WORSE

    not much more life left for us

    about 4 or 3 years left

    Scinetists Proved

  2. You bring up the past environmentalist opinion. It used to be that environmentalists wanted to cut down pollution for the benefit of plants, animals, and the entire ecosystem. Now that Global Warming has taken centerstage and now many humans are at risk enviromentalism has shifted. It is no longer a matter of preserving our animal and plant bretherin, it is a matter of preservign ourselves and that is taken much more seriously.

    The current opinion of the environment as I see it is too protect the environment so long as it protects humans. The past environmentalists who wanted to stop polution for the sake of the ecosystem are now a whisper in a room full of people shouting "GLOBAL WARMING"!

  3. O U R O P I N I O N

    An alarmist’s solution to criticism

        Unless you’re among those who follow the global warming controvery with considerably more intensity than the average citizen, the name James Hansen probably doesn’t ring any bells. But it should.

        Hansen is the original global warming alarmist. He is currently the head of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies. Twenty years ago, in an appearance before several Congressional committees, Hansen warned that increasing human-generated CO2 content in the earth’s atmosphere was pushing up global temperatures, and that if generation of CO2 wasn’t cut back, we would face a “tipping point” from which there could be no return, and that the result of warming would doom life on earth as we know it.

        He was called to testify in the early ’80s because in 1981 he and a team of scientists at Goddard had concluded that carbon dioxide in the atmosphere would lead to global warming sooner than previously predicted. While other climatologists had already predicted that a trend would be apparent by 2020, Hansen predicted, in a paper published in Science, that the change was already occurring and that there would be record high temperatures as early as 1990.

        In June of this year Hansen again testified before a Congressional committee, on the anniversary of his first alarmist appearance. And what has happened to global temperatures in the intervening 20 years? According to the University of Alabama at Huntsville, global satellite temperature data show that earth’s temperature has indeed changed; it’s gone down by half a degree (Fahrenheit). So much for Hansen’s prediction about tipping points, and carbon dioxide dangers, etc., etc.

        But Hansen also did something else at in June. At an informal media event hosted by Worldwatch Institute, an environmental activist group, he called for criminal trials against scientists, corporate executives, and public policy advocates who disagree with him. He said skeptics are guilty of “crimes against humanity.” If you oppose his theories, in other words, you’re no better than Hitler, Stalin, Robert Mugabe, Papa Doc Duvalier, and the rest of history’s mass murderers, and ought to be sent to jail — or worse — for holding such views.

        Much of the above is from the August issue of Environment & Climate News, a Heartland Institue publication. The Heartland Institute, you may not know, is a non-profit environmental organization that challenges global warming theories. Two letters to the editor today take note of a story published in the Sunday Press Dispatch (albeit buried on D7) that some 31,072 American scientists have signed a petition rejecting Hansen’s — among others — assertions that global warming has reached a crisis stage that is caused by human activity. The story about the petition originated with the Heartland Institute.

        The petition puts the lie to claims such as the one by Al Gore (“The debate is over”) that there’s any sort of general agreement among the world’s scientific community about global warming, either as to what is causing it, that it’s in fact happening, or that there’s anything humanity can do about it.

        Hansen, you might also want to know, is indeed a scientist. He’s an astronomer. But stifling dissent of his theories by shouting, “Off with their heads” does not exactly comport with scientific method. So it’s no surprise to also learn he’s Al Gore’s adviser on science. Uh huh.

        Steve Williams

    Victorville Daily Press


  4. Let's put it this way, a frog jumps into a pot of lukewarm water. He feels cozy in the water. So he stays. Someone turned on the stove. The water's temperature slowly gets hotter, but the frogs doesn't realize it. Sooner or later the frog is going to die. And I have a feeling the frog represents the human beings. The pot of water represents Global Warming. And the frog (human beings) turned on the stove. WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!!

  5. Clair - I don't know who you have been listening to, but they have misled you I'm afraid.  To inform yourself about this issue you must take your emotional reactions out of it.

    Humans don't have that much control over the Earth.  The Earth has gone through VIOLENT changes on its own for as long as it has been around, and it has been around a long time.

    Boatman is absolutely 100% correct.  Bad governments & corrupt and immoral leaders cause the other tragedies he mentioned.

  6. More people die of starvation, bad water, no medical care, and bad governments --- if you concentrated on these FOUR things you could save THOUSANDS of humans every year.

  7. The earth is doing well without your help.. There is nothing from the lower earth that can get to the ozone layer. The solar winds are come into the earth and our gases can not swim up stream..

      It is a Lie propagated by Gore & the Left..

  8. This question is the perfect example of our failed education system.

  9. I'm with ya there. And you're right people are just sitting here not doing anything about our earth. The human race as a whole don't even realize that we are putting ourselvs in a life and death jepordy. There are a lot of ways to prevent the speeding up of global warming but I hope with what we do can change our fate.

  10. No. Most people are not aware of nature and the cycles of the planet. Each of us can do our part, and do exactly what you are doing now, bringing the subject up to the front of our thinking. Study all you can on the environment and teach others. Nature is very resilient. If we leave nature  alone it recovers very well.

    Peace is environmental too. The war in Iraq and Afghanistan is polluting the planet on a grand scale. We are using depleted uranium and nuclear waste material in the mega bombs. That stuff takes 4.5 billion years to desinegrate.

    Global warming is mostly from the thermal output of the sun, but we also contribute to the warming. Greenhouse gases hold the heat in the atmosphere (global warming), and particles in the air influence the amount of solar radiation reaching the surface (global dimming).

    What may we do? We can find ways to conserve energy,  recycle materials, have less children, purchase local produced food, garden, plant trees, and appreciate nature more.

  11. yeah people don't care. i mean even if they do care earth is not gonna last forever neither our sun is.....

  12. I just want to let the people know that global warming is not going to kill the earth and the facts are the earth has been around for what 4.5 billion years according to scientist and the earth has under gone a lot of changes in its life cycle it is said that a species of plant animal or insect goes extinct every day and not because of any thing to do with global warming it is a survival of the species and humans will eventully die out also just like the dinosaurs and other life forms as to the co2 thoughts there is co2 that is in the polor ice caps also that are coming out  as they melt, and a lot of people are so worried about global warming and the impact that humans have on it we are really just becoming aware of this and the changes that are happening along with it we have been using fossil fuels for over a hundred years now right and we still havn't really got the full effects as to what this will do let alone nuclear energy but as a whole we are still making a small impact as to the earths situation and the global warming trends all things living on this planet will eventually die it is natural and so many people worry about this and that is in the very distant future we need to start living in the today concept and stop worrying so much about the future we will still be here for a long time and will adapt as things happen and eventually will come to a close just like every other life form has on this planet so I just want you to know you don't need to worry so much about these things Clair things will happen but it will be a process over thousands of years from now and that human impact on the planet is minimal compared to what it has already been through.

  13. Its not really power plants, coal plants do effect the ozone layer, but mainly methane and green house gases are what is doing it, nuclear power plants are needed badly in the US, it would dramatically drop our "energy crisis" and solve alot of problems, the first and MOST IMPORTANT thing to realize is that most of the public believe that nuclear power plants can explode like a bomb, INCORRECT, back in the 70s most nuclear power plants had no "containment" (ie 12 ft thick concrete walls containing the plutonium) now nuclear is best bet, one core of plutonium would be enough to power almost a whole urban city, instead of wasting barrels of oil and loads of coal.

    We need an atlternative to gas vehicles,  even though oil companies report gas shortages 90% of the year, our planet has a enough oil in its crust to fuel 12 billion cars for another 2000 years.  The problem is....finding the oil, electric and hybrid cars are the way to go.  Small, compact, easy to charge and they would last alot longer than a gas vehicle.  


    -even though our planet is being polluted every day, and extreme enviornmentalists cry to the government and public about these issues, our Star or sun is going to die out, explode, which means life in our solar system will cease to exist, instead of worrying about or planet which is important, we should be researching and developing new ways to reach other solar systems, which are out there, nasa confirmed about a month ago, that they found 3 large earth like plantes revolving around a solar system.  

    Dont worry to much though, the sun wont die out for about another 3-4 thousand years, so mankind still has time to plan an escape.

  14. yes i have been notified. but our power is less than 1%. many people don't really care and expect someone to fix it. usually they blame it on the prez, other people, etc. if we can unite as one rather than bomb each other's land and kill our earth a little more we might have a chance for our earth.

  15. People don't care. Governments don't care actually is more like it. With war, disease and famine rampant, it is of little or no concern to them what happens to the environment. They would rather pretend it doesn't exist or choose to believe environmentalists are blowing things out of proportion. It's sad, but true.

  16. As a geologist, I can asssure that the earth is not alive.  It is a giant rock with an iron core.  There is more life on earth now than at any time since we have been able to accurately measure it with satellites.  You really need to inform yourself and stop getting your information from people that think with their heart instead of their brain.

  17. Your passion is good however its of no use in the matter of saving the earth.   The planet will go on regardless of lifeforms remain or not.  I would suggest you realize that we need to change ourselves as humans and the only one you can change is yourself.   Enjoy each day and strive to help others this will do more to help our humanity and change our views then any other force.

  18. The Earth is not a living thing which is so obviuos and we do not kill it but harm it or destroy it to be exact.

    But the saying came bout as people started to make sacrifices to the Earth in the ancient time as gods which are living but immortal.

  19. Yeah, we have realized. And yes, we are too lazy and too materialistic to fix it. And yes, we will regret it.

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