
Do people really fall for those Nigerian Scams that I get emails for?

by  |  earlier

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It would just seem that if one has common sense, they would know that it is a load of bull. What do you think?




  1. I would assume its usually newbies who never used a computer in their entire life, therefore they believe just about anything on the internet when it comes to offers like those. I dont recall ever doing it, but when ever a friend of mine first uses the internet and sees one of those ads for a 'Free XBOX,WII, PS3' kind of thing, they're like, "CLICK IT!!!"... so yeah

  2. I totally agree with the first person who answered and i might ad the principle of greed and also the thought of getting some thing for nothing. Then there are those who are desperate and get caught in it in hopes that this time it's not a scam.....

  3. Common sense is not as common as we might hope.  Yes, some people have fallen victim to these scams...that's why they keep on coming.  If a few suckers didn't bite, there'd be no incentive to keep sending out those e-scams.

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