
Do people really pay $275+ per person on a meal at per se and other expensive restaurants in NYC?

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How can the food taste that good to make it worth that kind of money?! And yet you have to book 2 months in advance to eat there?

Have you done this ...please tell the pros and cons.




  1. I dunno, sometimes its just a gimmick.  My friend paid $150 for a bowl of Japanese soup at a place called Ninja, where there are people dressed up like ninjas and you dine in huts.  The soup was terrible.  Most foodies like me know that the best food isn't always the most expensive, unless you eat at Thomas Keller's restaurant I am sure :::sigh:::  I am OK with spending up to $200 total for both people, including drinks.

  2. Simple, if you can't afford it, don't patronize the establishment.

    I have eaten at Peter Luger's, The bill was $150 per person, worth every penny.

  3. when someone goes out to eat at a place like that they aren't going for food they are going out so that others can see them spend that kind of money... it's simply disgusting!

  4. There are places in Tokyo and Paris that cost over a thousand dollars a meal before wine and tax. I would feel cheated!

  5. I've never personally paid for the bill, but I have attended many meals where the tab ends up being at least 200-300 per person.  I agree with a previous statement though... they only went there to show they can spend the money.  They food wasn't anything special and I would never do it on my own.  The staff makes you feel VERY important though considering you are paying that much for food.  I been at a dinner for four and the bill came to just over $1500.  It's insane and nothing special, but it has been done  :-(

  6. I was at the 1776 Grill at a resort called The Homestead, dinner was about $200 a plate and it was delicious. =) Everything was perfect. My aunt and uncle ordered a salad and they carried all the ingredients fresh to the table and mixed the dressing up from the raw ingredients for us to see: garlic, oil, egg, anchovy, a bunch of other stuff I forget...I had lobster bisque and veal (I think it was veal, I may have changed my mind at the end, I can't remember, it was a few years ago)...and randomly, at the end, I had a lemon chocolate tart for dessert and only ate half and I asked for them to box the other half for me to take home. When I got home, they had just given me a whole, fresh new tart. =) It was just a nice surprise. All in all I think the dinner was like $900 for all 3 of us. But it was really nice.

  7. Yeah, people do, but why do it? JUst grab something from MickyD's.

  8. Oh sure people do it............

    people with more money than brains, that's all.

    I once worked on a YACHT for some billionaire.   The stories I can tell you.    My favorite, was his $68,000.   DINNER.

    Yes, you read that right.........$68,000   , for   >>A<< dinner.

    Keep in mind, this was a $20,000,000 yacht.......and just ONE of his play toys.

    So he pulls in to Monte Carlo, to watch the Grand prix , of course, and a race side berth........goes for $10,000.

    that's just to park the boat.   PER DAY.

    He goes out to eat one night with his 3 guests.........orders a $8,000 bottle of wine........Hmmmmm..........that's tasty............bring THREE more!

    that's $32,000 GRAND, for drinks alone.

    what the h**l they ordered for the OTHER  $36,000 grand, I don't know, but I am assuming they got fries with that.

    Special dishes, with a rare mushroom grated over it, can cost plenty.......the mushroom going for $1,000 an OUNCE alone.    Prepared by top chefs.....($$$$$$) a 5 star restaurant.......$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$....... tipping the ,matre'd , hat check girl, wine dude.......waiter.........everyone, minimum $500. a pop.........

    (just to show Starkist you  got good taste and how filthy rich you are.........)

    and that was just ONE dinner.

    $ it was tissue paper.

    It meant NOTHING to him.,

    another time......he decided to race some other billionaire across the pond.

    He wanted to win, so he promised the crew brand new rolexes apiece if he got there first.

    You can bet they did...........he kept his word......and everyone on board got a $20,000 rolex as a "thank you".

    (I wasn't on board at the time, but I saw the engineer's rolex......d**n nice watch! )

    another girl cashed hers in, for the $20,000!

    Nice days work, don't ya think?

  9. yes cause they want to show of their money and waste it

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