
Do people really think McCain made a good choice?

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I'm pretty sure he only chose her to get Hilary's voters... since she is also a woman. Also, she doesn't have much experience at all. McCain was constantly bashing Obama's lack of experience, but then he chooses someone who has even less experience. It's also pretty funny that her 3-month-old baby with Down Syndrome is left at home while she's off running for vice president. What does that say about her "family values"?




  1. She's not the worst choice, but Kay Hutchinson would have been better.  Kay has a ton more experience, still gets you the Hillary votes, and is at least as strong a debater.  Still, I have no idea what the inside scoop is on battle ground states like MI, IN, FL, etc.  Maybe they think Palin will do better there...

    And I hope you're not insinuating that mothers with special needs babies shouldn't have careers...

  2. I think that the Republicans want us to think that they think that McCain made a good choice...but...face it...Everyone knows that they are PISSED AS h**l.

    They all have that matter of fact tone as they rattle off all of the "cliche" nice things that Republicans say about politicians.

    Or..they fake excitement (speaking for the whole party) and spew superlatives.

    The fun starts when they start using her as an excuse that McCain is losing and saying all the things that we are saying now.

  3. She hunts moose

    She fishes

    TV Sports reporter, then City council for 4 years, then Mayor then for 4 years, then Lt Governor for 4 years, now Governor for 2 years.

    She has an approval rate of over 80% as Governor, the highest in the USA.

    Mother of 5

    Oldest son in the US Army

    Youngest son born with Downs Syndrome, they knew and still had the child.

    She actually has visited the troops in Lanstuhl hospital in Germany.

    Her husband is a real man who has won the snowmobiler 2000-mile "Iron Dog" race. 4 times.

    Her husband is native American

    Sarah Palin is a great VP, a Governor, Guns, babies and Jesus what more could you want?

  4. She has executive experience.  Obama doesn't.  And you're a pig. I'll bet you would have wanted her to abort the baby,

  5. What does that say about her family values? It says that she loves her country and everyone else s children just as much as she loves her own.

    She is the kind of an American that needs to be right there with McCain and lead the country.

  6. She is not nearly as qualified as some of his other options and I am pretty upset that he picked her. What if his melanoma kills him and she has to take over? I don't want there to be a possibility that she could be commander in chief. He clearly picked her because his campaign assumed Hillary supporters would vote for her because she is a woman, hence Palin's reference to Hillary's "18 million cracks in the glass ceiling" comment.  

  7. Patriotism and the greater good trumps your suggestion. You know she has freinds family and money enough to be sure the child is well taken care during this brief presentation. Try again.

  8. She is the perfect Cheney replacement. Another oil company person. That is what we need.

    in fact, her husband is an oil production operator for BP on Alaska's North Slope). She said earlier this week, "When I look every day, the big oil company's building is right out there next to me, and it's quite a reminder that we should have mutually beneficial relationships with the oil industry." Whatever that means.

    It is a complete Bush/Cheney ticket. She has not shot anybody in the face, but she likes to hunt. She wears fur, and my favorite bikinis with high heels.

  9. You libs want equality for women yet demand they stay home. So do they belong in the kitchen or the White House? Hypocrites!

    What about Obama? He's a father. Why isn't he home with his daughters being a father figure? See how dumb that sounds!

    People have to do their job. People have to work. Just because you have a special needs child doesn't mean life is over.

  10. grow up! i am sure Obama and Michelle have a nanny to help with their kids too. i dont think you really know her past look it up. she has more experience that Obama for sure, runs a state, 5 kids and hunts fishes you name it. if she can do all that there is nothing she cant do and shes proven that already!

  11. Wow, your view is interesting! She has no experience? She has been in the Executive branch of the government as a governor. Obama has none, zero, nada. She is running as VICE President, not president. You think it's "funny" that she has a 3 (actually 5) month old baby with Down Syndrome? She was given a choice before that baby was born to abort him. She chose NOT to, that shows tremendous family values!!!! Obama has been completely blown out of the water with this pick!!!!! BRILLIANT!!!!!

  12. No. I'm a Hill supporter and I'm insulted. Biden 08

  13. I do. She's a much better presidential candidate than 143 day Barry.

    AHHHH! A Ginger!!!!!

  14. She give new meaning to the word PNAC . DINO

  15. I see she threatens your god, Obama. That's why it's good to be married before having babies - you have a husband to take care of the baby.  

  16. We as a nation will know, once a determination has been deduced as to which ticket has 270 electoral votes.

    She appears at first blush to be an acceptable choice, perhaps not mine, or yours, but the choice non the less.

    As to addressing your additional suppositions, might i suggest as responses 1 Hillary, if the Hillary supporters are gonna drink the abomination kool aid, they do so at their own peril, as left wing media have aged the b*tch kitty on wheels , who i respect as a political foe, to saying her time will have passed after the next dim-o -c**p two term-er.

    2. her resume and accomplishments, clearly show obama to be as much a dwarf as he is white about 50%.

    NOBAMA has clearly demonstrated that only with a teleprompter can he preform at the level his white masters demand from the vile and corrupt cess pool of all that is politically wrong Chicago

    as has been said in many forms, but i favor a texas type retort,here " NOBAMA is a tall ten gallion hat, with no cattle"

    3. Regarding the child,Hey was it not you top b*tch who claimed it takes a village to raise a child ( no it should be a parent, apparently the dims can not think for their own best interests, and those of their children, spineless current drifting ameobas).

    It take a village to keep an eye on old sly fox bill clinton, does it not Hillary?

    3. you do not mind a women in office, Gender issues aside the nation would be far better off with out professional politicians, and their children following as unblooded royality. hey how about we shoot to kill all lobbiests, or put them in jail, oh yeah sorry Biden youngest son is a polictical pimp for the whores in washington ( my apologies to prostitutes everywhere, sorry to drag you to a plitical level )

    4. for you volenteerism I salute and applaud you, but.for your alledged GOD like wisdom, professing that they cry and wish for a relief that death might bring you are a desciple of demigogery and hatefulness that clearly shows the obama great social leap forward, just as napoleon, hitler stalin mao, now obama.

    4. Who knows if her desision was right, well dim-o-c**p idiot are always screaming " its all about a womyns right to choose", so get the F*ck over your brain dead devoid of logic having only baseless demented arguements, SHE CHOOSE, and thats all that matters.

    Perhaps if the dim-o-craps would work to better the lives of their polictical owned property, as the dim-o-craps are still the party that enslaves blacks, poor, uneducated, and those devoid of hope due to and thru government programs of entitlement.

  17. Using YOUR analogy, HE (Obama) should not be running for election

    I have to agree with you.

  18. you seem to be a typical democratic woman

    "i love all woman and they all deserve the right to choose.....except republican woman..they should all die"

    lol but seriously she is actually More experienced then obama, and dont forget she is the vp pick, not OUR presidential pick, big diff

  19. I respect the Hillary supporter than can tell he sees them as dumb and is trying to manipulate them into voting for him.

  20. she is also under investigation for abuse of power in alaska.

  21. She is pro-drilling.

    Earth Needs Off-Shore Oil

  22. Bottom line is this. Evidently McCain the old sly fox just out foxed the dems so they are bitter.

    She is a solid conservative with executive experience and a no nonsense attitude. Two things that libs hate. He shored up his party and showed that he is not afraid of a strong woman on the ticket unlike Obambi.

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