
Do people really think humans can alter thev course of a climate fluctuation?

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for a start it is not possible to predict how earths climate will change, no real scentist could say they knew the cause of a climate fluctuation. Periodic climate change at irregular inervals has been part and parcel of the biospherical evolution of this planet, life on earth has made adaptations to the changes that is scientific observation in a few years those who say they are able to change the course of a climate change will be seen or what they are snake oil salemen or to put it better politicians it will be those who offer ways to evolve human culture so it becomes more into an equilibrium with the limitations of the ecosystem that will allow people insight to a possible future beware of big business now running the agenda beware nothing will be alowed that threatens market share it is offensive to the intellect of humanityto say we can change the climate from what it is now. we can onlyevolve our ways to live in peace. Coopracy is the way of evolution




  1. While it is dificult for people to predict exactly what is going to hapen with climate fluctuations we do have a large impact on it. The activities of people cause an over abundance in one area and a lack in another. This imbalance requires changes to compensate. It is scientifically proven that many of our daily activities are harming the environment.

    Yes humans can alter the climate.

  2. Yes. Thankyou for your insightful comment.


    There is no logic to your follow up statement. So what that climate has oscillated in the past? That you are ignorant of something, like the science behind global warming, does not make it false. Especially not when your basis, as demonstrated in your original question, is "I can't imagine how this is true". Argument from personal incredulity and ignorance. Climatologists know a lot more than you do.

  3. It's nice to read a passage or two and say to yourself, I couldn't have written it better myself.

  4. Um, well, why shouldn't we think this? It's scientifically true.

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