
Do people really think that the president has any power whatsoever?

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Really? Thats insane!!!!!!!!




  1. i think that Congress has all the power.

  2. I think the administration that comes into power with the President has the most power in our country.  The last 8 years in the US have been directed by d**k Chaney, Donald Rumsfeld, Karl Rove, and probably George Bush senior in the background.  

  3. Absolutely!  George Bush has had the power to destroy this country.  

    They appoint people to positions that will support their ideals.  

  4. lol actually your right that is insane cuz the president doesnt make all the choices he runs it by everyone in the government and they decide. Like for Irac, everyone blames Bush for us being there but it had to be passed by all the big guys up there for it to actually go through. thats how the country is ran its not ran by one single guy its ran by a group of ppl. i dont remember what it was called by i remember learning about it in U.S GOV. in school about how whatever law or thing the president wants goes through different groups of ppl before something is finalized.  

  5. Actually this is a good question.  If Bush #2 really had the power to do all the bad things he is credited for, America would have disappeared a long time ago.

    Since America is still here, in spite of Bush, maybe it really doesn't matter who is president.

  6. You need to read more and become more informed and educated. Start with Executive orders form the president.

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