
Do people really understand we need change In America or do we believe we are ok under this administration?

by Guest57252  |  earlier

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I keep hearing some people say I think the economy is ok I think we are doing ok But does that also include the people who have lost their homes as well as jobs and these are the people who 6 years ago complained about people on welfare now they are on welfare and more will be on welfare if this continues its up to us america and you are not ok if your neighbor is losing his house the value of your home is plumetting but you are ok isnt that Ironic




  1. only the ones who send our jobs to china think the economy is ok.

  2. I don't understand why people feel bad for others losing their home when they took out a mortgage with 0% down and lied about their income.  Obviously people did not do their homework when they most likely invested in the single most expensive item of their lifetime.

    I feel no remorse for these people and I also think it is a shame that the government bailed out the investment banks instead of letting them fail.

    I agree that we could use some change and a new direction, but I am not buying into the change that Obama is selling.  

  3. If you want to change America, change yourself first.

    I do not believe it is the responsibility of the Federal Government to worry over the problems of the individual.

    As far as the economy, my advice to anyone who will listen is to pay closer attention to what happens in your statehouse as opposed to what happens in Washington.  It has a much more direct effect on your economic well being.

  4. If you liv in Ohio, and can't find work, you're scood.

  5. Change is an empty term; it means nothing.  I happen to disagree with the "content" of Obama's proposed change, not the concept of change.  Keep in mind; the wrong kind of change will make matters worse, not better.

  6. Look at the olympics medal standings. Now understand you new place in the global economy. No.2. Brush up on your Mandarin and gt busy making TV's and plastics for Chinese consumer.

  7. Change?  Not necessarily the one suggested be Obama.

  8. The people with money think we're doing great. They have no concern for others who are not doing so great. (Republicans)  

  9. Depends on where you get your news.  If you restict your source to  broadcast news, CNN, MSNBC, you will be told we are in a near recession or in a recession.

    If you watch FOX NEWS - you will be told there was a 3% growth last quarter (not dramatic, but not negative either) -- the "stimulus" check we received a few months back is being given the credit;   employment was above 5% or at the same level it was before Pres. Bush took office; we have had no in-country attacks such as 9/11 in seven years.

    Regarding the housing situation, my opinion is that is is due to greedy salesmen, working on commission, who took applications from potential buyers without checking their ability to pay.  Also, too many buyers bought their dream house as opposed to their reality house.  We have a little money in the bank, our home and car are paid for -- however -- when we married, we could not afford a new house, so we bought a very old one and spent every available minute fixing it up.  We drive a 5-year old car.  We live within our means.  If we can't afford it, we don't have it.

  10. you put a lot of faith in a president, I for one can take care of my own life

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