
Do people really want a "Hockey Mom" a heart beat away from having to deal with Iran and Russia?

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amazing, how is he an appeaser?




  1. Yes. I've seen what the alternative has to offer and find him to have no substance or merit.

  2. people don't even know what **** they want

  3. I will take a hockey mom (mom's know how to multi-task, manage budgets and make life a living h**l to any enemy) over a junior senator any day of the week.

  4. No--people do not.  What a scary thought.

    *Obama has been serving in the Illinois Senate since 1997  -  He wasn't a senator until 2005, but he has all those years of experience.

  5. not really, but I am not the one who needs convincing.

  6. Much better than "Elite Obama" whose goal, with the help of "Elite Media", is to turn the USA into a socialist country.

  7. Better than a racist with terrorist friends being the heartbeat.

  8. anytime over the delusional mouthpeice of George Soros.

  9. Yes Its better than what Obama& Biden has to offer, both of them like to surrender,before battle.

  10. Excuse me,I don't want a bumbling,inexperienced airhead like Obama  to be president.

  11. Better than an appeaser.

  12. No...I don't.

  13. Get it right.

    She was a hockey player and was a point guard.

    That's the one that normally beats you over the head with a hockey stick.

    Do we really want a community agitator dealing with Iran And Russia?

    Besides why should it matter the man-boy-god  BO thinks Iran is not a threat.

    She has more balls and executive experience than the Obama bin Biden ticket. What, you say? Biden went to college and then at the age of 29 ran for the US senate and has been there ever since?....that does not sound like much change...more like a lateral pass.

    In other words, Biden has no real life experience and is a empty suit (just like Barry).

    Do not let your fear of a strong woman consume you.

  14. Why? Don't Iran or Russia play hockey?

  15. She is the GOV of the State of ALaska.

    DO people really want an anti American Muslim a heartbeat away from being the President?

  16. why not

    better than a teleprompter

  17. It seems to outsiders Americans have little or no concept of "socialism",they castigate those who believe you should help the weak and vulnerable yet espouse"christian" virtues left right and centre.

    I saw an interview with the Alaskan(separatist) Governor and was not impressed at all,another bully on the block to make America even more hated world wide.

    Obama because he is not white is called a muslim traitor and friend of the terrorists,are some people that stupid to believe such rubbish?

    It appears that Obama is America's best chance of gaining respect world wide,you haven't ever had it under Bush and his neo cons so for once try closing those flapping lips and open up your ears,you decimated the original peoples of America for profit and refused to listen or abide by the treaties you forced and you still seem to think this will work as a good foreign policy,it won't,come on Obama bring America into the real world and ditch the ultra conservatives who choose hatred and bigotry as there chosen standard.....

  18. Uh- first the politicians aren't anything like us, then we've got a problem with someone like us running for VP.

    -Yes-  I'm Independent and will be voting McCain/"Hockey Mom" Palin

  19. Do people really want an inexperienced, big mouth, strutting, loves himself so much, way left liberal to deal with Iran and Russia?  I think not!

  20. I have no problem with a mom being VP, but a hockey mom connotes that they are busy raising kids and bonding with babies.  

    I really don't think that's a phase of life where you should be in the position of President or VP....and executive position, because you can only focus on one, and both of those demand full attention.

  21. Makes me cringe just thinking about it.  Maybe her annoying voice and overcooked mooseburgers will force them into submitting to our policies?  

  22. No!

  23. What a sexist question. That's like saying do we want a "DAD" with 145 active days experience running the country?

  24. nope...not me.

    she is dangerous..she is needed at home and is selfishly devoting her time needlessly elswhere.


  25. I'll take a Governor over an inexperienced man who was a US Senator for one year before he decided to throw his hat in the Presidential ring...

    How is that relevant to the current election?  None of the people you mentioned had only one year of Federal Government experience either.

  26. I think we need a reformer  Not More taxes and government  

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