
Do people really want to own their own business?

by  |  earlier

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I own an online travel agency, I also have a website,, that allows people the opportunity to have their very own travel agency. People sign up, pay the fees to get started but then they quit right away. Once you sign up you get all the training and resources to make your business a success. It is a lot of work but I just don't understand why people sign up to just drop out.




  1. People want the glamour of what they think owning their own business is.  They think they can sleep in, work when they want, travel when they want, etc.  Most people don't realize there is actual work involved.  They don't realize there is no steady paycheck involved.  The love the idea, it's the reality that makes them rethink it.

  2. They just want to make fast money. But then they find out that it takes work and time ,and so they become lazy and rather do anything but work, so they end up quiting. good luck with your business =D    

  3. They probably think it's gonna be some quickie thing and they don't have to do anything, not even read that stuff. They prolly don't really want to do the work.

  4. "It is a lot of work" ... a lot of people like the IDEA of working for yourself.  They picture sitting on the beach with their laptop and working occasionally to bring in huge sums of money.

    Most people don't realize that it takes working twice as hard (as being an employee) to make your own business work.

    Also ... most people don't have the large set of skills (communication, marketing, computer, entrepreneurship, accounting, etc, etc) to make it work.  

  5. I'm sure they do in the beginning, but then it gets confusing, more work than they think, or not what they are really looking for.

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