
Do people realy care?

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Say global warming is true, don't you find it Ironic that peple spend all this time speaking about Global warming and the effect it will have, but we don't do anything about it. We still get in our cars everyday and use the CO2 it releases. Keep Littering, don't do anything about factories causing so much pollution, and don't do anything about rainforests being destroyed yet we spend all this time crying about it, ( not everyone, im not trying to offend those who do actually do something). Is it that people just don't care? Would we not want to give up all the things we have (Tv's, cars, all the material objects that industrialization makes) in order to contribute to solve this problem? For Example: I asked my mom why much of the Ice in certain places are melting away and she told me that it was due to the industrialization, and pollution we are creating, yet we all know this and wake every morning and keep contributing to the lifestyle that is causing this. What do you think?




  1. Nope don't care in the least.  I will not change my lifestyles for you  or gore or any other tree hugging nut.  Pass all the laws you want, there is ALWAYS a way around them

  2. i dont think its so much of people not caring but most folks dont know what to do about it.. to give up our current lifestyle is a pretty drastic change.. especially when alternatives are'nt easily avilable..

    what's really unpardonable though is how uncaring big corporations are about this issue.. after all they're the ones who have to come out with eco friendly products and methods of production...

  3. I think the question to ask is "do you care?"  People are going to tell you that nothing you can do can make a difference.  Have you found that to be true in your life?  Your house?  Your job?  Your relationships?  Your automobile?  I haven't.  I find that what I do or don't do makes a lot of difference.  Maybe not in Siberia or on Pluto, but the people and things right around me.  If you want to listen to people who tell you that, go ahead, but while you're at it you might as well hand them your wallet, and the keys to your car and house.  It won't affect anything, right?   Baloney.  Don't ever listen to such nonsense.

    Jaime, Americans live in a country where the main nutrititional problem is obesity, on a planet where the main nutritional problem is starvation.  Half of the worlds people are without a water supply.  More than half are without food.  Of course you can't fix it all, but does that excuse not doing anything?  Of course not.  Even small changes in lifestyle by the "haves" can make huge differences to the "have nots"  How many times have you read on here where somebody says "I'm not going to change anything"?  Realize they are saying this in front of people from those poor countries.  Class act, huh?  Last Saturday when they had the hour when people were asked to turn out their lights, did you see the ones who posted over and over how they planned to turn on every light they had? Jaime, this isn't just a matter of laziness, ignorance and sloth on the part of some.  I believe there are good guys and bad guys, and you have to pick a side.  Do you want to get your advice from those kinds of people?

    Don't worry about changing their minds.  They aren't important.  They will continue to do what the do in the same way that murderers will continue to murder, and rapists will continue to rape.  In the end, history will leave them behind.  Figure out what you want to do.  Find others with similar interests.  Never stop educating yourself.  And get to work!  The bonus is, you'll also feel better about all the depressing stuff you can't change.  Peace.

  4. Humans are jaded and cynical.

    I asked my aunt once, why she didn't recycle. Her answer was simply that God gave us this planet to use.

    So, if you follow her logic, it would be like getting a bicycle for your birthday and leaving it the driveway to be run over.

    No one is asking for caveman living, and a lot of companies have started cleaning up their acts. But you have a lot of people who just don't believe that it's really a problem. And for some people, their whole lives are disposable. Others, still, have never seen the stars, so they don't know what they're missing.

  5. People would care a lot more if we were convinced it was real.  

    One thing that never seems to change, environmentalists exagerate.  They always say the same thing, the Earth is always being destroyed by pollution and we all need to do something now.

    They mean well, but they get things way out of perspective in their heads.

  6. People look to "science" to provide all the answers and that is a problem because the scientific community can't agree. And they can't agree because they can only run computer generated simulations, which are only as good as the information put into them. And one group inputs one set of data, another a different set of data, so its a virtual circle and confuses everyone.

    Our societies, especially the US, are simply too used to a level of life that does not easily give in to radical changes.

    And radical change, is more than recycling a coke can or sending $10.00 to the Save Brazil Fund.

    Our Government "knows" something about this issue that they are not disclosing to the public. And that tells me, this information is pessimistic at best, because they treat the "public" as children who couldn't handle the truth.

    I believe its because they know there is nothing we can do today, next year or next decade, that will reverse what is occurring now.

  7. Yes, we do care.

  8. I know, people do care but so many people cannot be bothered to put the effort in to change their way of living and obviously it costs money for compost heaps etc. Also, so many people don't believe it and think it won't happen for ages if it does,but look how much has happened already. We need to get our act together, I'm afriad.

  9. Is it possible most just do not believe it is man made? That is different than believing and not caring.

    The "environmentalists" obviously either didn't care when they killed our only proven major source of power that does not produce CO2.

  10. well there are people who doesn't seem to care about the earth. Some of them would want to experience it first just to prove that it is true before they wil act. self discipline is what we need. We are already experiencing the signs of global warming but some are not aware of it. Maybe we should helop educate those people of what reaaly global warming is all about. Many of us  still are ignorant about thie phenomena. So we better ask our world leaders or our country leaders to help this people realize what causes this phenomena and what we can do to avoid it or stop it from happening.

  11. I'll keep my corner of the Earth clean, the rest of you can wallow in mud for all I care.  CO2 is NOT a pollutant, it's plant food.  Have a nice day.

  12. We could be called an unchecked virus or even a parasite beyond control

    if one were to see this planet from space with time frames of some years in between .And see the changes to the earth`s surface

    There is a series that you can download easy ,called

    bbc,Planet earth by David Attenborough.

    About 15 ---700mb videos

    this is a photographic team that has been filming Nature stories all over the world ,for a very long time .

    In 3 of the episodes called --the future--saving species(this one covers extinction and the importance of species)

    the future--living together ,ice worlds ,

    they compare films they made before of places and species to what they are filming now in the same places.

    Many scientists give commentaries as well .

    Whole migrations of animals involving millions have disappeared in only 20 years,

    in one place in the tundras ,in just 5 years .

    Ice sheets,glaziers have gone

    They say about half of the worlds forests have gone in the last 300 years

    Half of the natural habitats,like wetlands , ice fields tundras,mountain vegetation and rain forests . in the last 50 years,and all of the inhabitants with it


    Global warming is a component in a group of destructive forces at work ,it is not the only one , but other factors which we are responsible for ,are rapidly making it the worst .

    We are now witnessing a mass Extinction of animals and plants of Biblical proportions,equal since the disappearance of the dinosaurs. in the last 50 years over 3000 species have gone into extinction

    If we want to save ourselves as a specie ,we have to address

    the problems

    Apparently we can correct most of the destructive factors

    with disciplines ,changes of attitude and habits.

    All species are in Danger eventually,

    and each is important because all of Life on this planet is interrelated even if it is not obvious

    Imagine that the Eco system is a wall and each specie is represented by a brick

    Every brick taken out weakens the wall ,and eventually it will collapse ,which brick is the most important ???

    they are all important and we are one of the bricks

  13. I'm using more C02 to make up for the people who believe the lie

  14. most people just cant face the music. they'll do one tiny thing like recycling a Coke bottle and think "oh well thats my bit" or they'll think "why should i bother turning the lights off? it makes NO DIFFERENCE". ppl expect OTHER ppl to do it so no one does anything.

  15. Seems to me your crying and whining, and stop blaming the industrialist, many of them our caring and to lump them into one group is ignorant.  As far as environmentalist many of the extreme ones have caused more damage to the environment in the name of the environment.  This planet will survive, life will survive and we will go on.

  16. I think people crave cataclysm. The possibility of total destruction makes people excited, as can be seen from the types of movies that sell. Many want the end to come.

  17. I think I'm going to ignore it coz I'll be long gone before its real effects a re seen so look for me burning the bald tyre2 left over after spending the day with my foot planted to the floor of my car.
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