
Do people see that labour sucks?

by Guest66887  |  earlier

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how many people will do the right thing and put labour in prison literaly




  1. not much

  2. What Britain needs is proportional representation: that would wipe out Labour in an instant.

    The current system is vote-wasting on a grand scale.

    I would never vote labour and vote accordingly.

    The last so many years however I wasted all my votes because of stronghold mentality.

    Dictatorship is not far out with the current system.

  3. All politicians suck. You don't get anywhere in a modern democracy without being deceitful, manipulative and dishonest. An honest politician would never gain the nomination of their party because all the party cronies would be too worried that the skeletons in their closets would be revealed.

    Labour have just been in power long enough for people to start seeing through them. If you think the conservatives are going to be any better you are in for a nasty shock.

  4. then who will do all the work?  You stepping up to help?  By the way, it's spelled "labor".

    Edit: wow, given the nastyness of some of you posters, I'd favor the other team over you all even though I dont know who they are.

  5. Well, I'm not sure what you're talking about here....I hope you know.

  6. They've been rubbish since they had to change direction to get into power in 1997 and turned into liars and spin merchants, at least the conservatives are honest about giving to the rich and ignoring the poor.   The problem is the alternative now that the two parties are the same.   I also think that's the reason that Scotland (traditionally always Labour) now has a Scottish Nationalist government, because they were the only viable alternative in Scotland (and not necessarily for any potentially pro- independence reasons)

  7. I assume you are talking about the Labour Party.

    No, because they will get kicked out come the next General Election, as for Tony Blair, YES, and let him have some soap on a rope!!

  8. I think most people see that New Labour sucks, but what can we do about it? Gordon won't give us a general election.

    Even in a general election, we don't all have the opportunity to give Labour what they deserve. It's only voters in marginal constituencies that have any power. Where I live, a particular party always wins by a large majority, so I'm effectively disenfranchised.

  9. i do


    if youre on about the political party, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

    theyve changed economy for the good, look how much gordon brown did when he was the exchecker--

    i swear if the conservatives come into party i will shoot myself, they messed lots of things up in the 80s.

    do NOT be swayed by what that idiot david cameron says, its all an act!!!!!!

  11. Me.

    Conservative party for me.

  12. Labor is a concept necessary for a materialism based society.  We cannot imprison a concept, last I checked.

    Wars on concepts don't go over very well.  Look at the wars on drugs, poverty, and terrorism.

  13. Do you mean giving birth, hard work or the political party?

  14. They all have their snouts in the same golden pig trough so no matter who you vote for the greedy government system will still be in power.

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