
Do people sit around researching just to ask "trolling" questions?

by  |  earlier

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I mean, where do they come up with the websites unless they put that much time and effort into it?




  1. I doubt trolls research much of anything.

  2. Ask for trolls to answer in P&S.

  3. I do sometimes. Lol!

    Lady Lazarus! Ain't seen you for a while - glad you're back! :D

  4. I'm with Space Chick.

  5. They have connections for one thing.  The other is that webmasters can find anything on the web.

  6. i think you can answer this yourself..because this is obviously a trolling question

  7. google is easy to use if you can spell

  8. What is a trolling question?

  9. Well, you have to sometimes, just to lend some credibility to the question.  Otherwise some report monkey will come along and have it deleted.

  10. I love trolling!!  Last summer my nephew took me trolling on one of the lakes near his place in southern Idaho.  We had a great time trolling for trout and the meal later that night was great.

    Sorry Suz - the devil made me say it. LOL

  11. I sincerely doubt it takes much for a person make an off-base inflammatory remark- I doubt they need to do much research.

    They like to prod at (often times) irrelevant taboos and attack other users. They want to make waves, simply put. The anonymity of the web seems to give them an invincibility complex like no other...

  12. You mean like when Christians answer science questions with garbage from Creationist websites? Yes, people have some nerve researching the side of an issue that makes the most sense to them.

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