
Do people smoke weed at indoor concerts?

by  |  earlier

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on top of that, a indoor jack johnson concert? My friend said he was going and that everyone was going to be smoking weed at the concert but I was a little skeptical seeing as jack johnson appeals to a lot of middle aged men who don't smoke and it's going to be indoors.




  1. WTF Drugs used to be sold openly at rock concerts, people were having s*x on the floors, people were passed out, it was a party!

    Now families with kids and christians who think they are "hip" show up, invade my reality and complain to security if someone just smokes a joint. Every one should know what a rock concert is, it isn't chior practice, it is not wholsome. Just stay home or go see a show in Las Vegas or a tribal casino. No self respecting freak would go near these places.

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