
Do people steal scooters?

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I'm about to purchase a 2009 Honda Ruckus.

I see scooters parked around everywhere, but these things do not weigh as much as cars.

Any tips, advice or perspective on whether or not anti-theft is necessary with these scooters?

If so, How can I help prevent theft?

Perhaps I have nothing to worry about, and no one ever steals a scooter?




  1. They're really easy to steal, the steering lock can be snapped without too much trouble, and they'll just push it away, or just lift it into a van

  2. Oh man they steal it. Easily.  Just lift it into a pickup (5 seconds).

    We (here in NYC) chain it to something solid.  That does a good job.

    Good Luck...

  3. People steal anything and everything.....that's the nature of the type of people who steal.

    Don't make the mistake of comparing such people to decent, normal people.

    Buy a motorcycle magazine, in it there will be reviews of tested chains and locks.

    Buy one of them and use it to lock your scooter to something solid if possible.

  4. People will steal anything. Keep it locked when not riding it

  5. Keep it locked and chained and in a lighted place at nite or you guessed it, just like true love, it will be gone in the morning.

  6. you cant stop theft if they want it they will get it all you can do is use good sense and try not to make it to easy.

  7. People steal anything valuable. Your best choice would be to keep it locked up, and from anywhere clearly visible, like a garage.

  8. any and every thing gets stolen,even my youth

    chain it to something immobile

  9. There are two types of locks that you can get.  The traditional lock and chain works well if you get a thick one that is not easily cut.  There are also brake caliper locks that are pretty hard to cut through... it would take a while.  Just do a search for scooter brake lock or something like that.  This type of lock wont really keep someone from picking it up and throwing it in the back of a truck, but it will keep someone from hot-wiring and driving off with it if they dont have a truck.

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  10. LO JACK !!

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